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This only concerns those who have chosen the road of a Companion AND chosen to walk the path of Kajira/Kajirus.

The truth behind the VC's use of "kajira"

As many know the Vampire community has, for many years, used the title of "Kajira or kajirus" to denote a member of the community who wishes to swear service to another in a form of Master/slave relationship. This clan does not hide that fact, instead we embrace such a person with the respect that is due for such gifts that they give. To attempt to absorb this as a whole creates a sort of shock to the system for some.

Within the VC (and "normal" society) there is so many stereotypes, misconceptions of what a kajira is, what they are suppose to be, what the "lifestyle" is; what that sort of relationship looks like ... Ad infinitum!

To outside observers, and many within the vampire community, the path of the kajira appears to subjugate women (and men), treating them as mere objects, owned, ordered about, or even used as mere sex objects. It also appears at first glance to be all about sex...crazy dumb blondes with no ability to exercise their own independence or free will…with no brains to know what they want, reliant on another person. Women (and men) who have no mind of their own, no thoughts or ideas. Men (and women) who want to just use others, objectify them, dehumanize them… All in all, weak minded, easily controlled people who get a kick out of being treated like a piece of meat.

Sorry to disappoint you all agreeing with the above statement, but you're completely, absolutely, and unequivocally wrong. 

So what is this kajira thing all about?

Even though we recognize certain points of view and practices as human nature, we exist in a greater society and are subject to the laws of that society in which we live. We believe that to disregard those laws would be unethical. To behave in such a fashion would not be consistent with our Ideals, codes, and philosophy.

While our Clan's philosophy understands and accepts the existence of specific sociosexual underpinnings which invariably give rise to the institution of *consensual* slavery under certain conditions, We by no means consider consensual "slavery" to be a mandatory condition or practice. Nor do we believe that such a practice should exist when the other factors which contribute to its existence have been removed or altered. I find it critical to differentiate between the actual practice of slavery as it has existed historically and as it continues to exist, and the formation of social and personal relationships patterned after the consensual Master/slave model. The former is a criminal subjugation of human beings against their will. The latter is a voluntary activity between informed and consenting adults who make willing decisions about such relationships and conduct themselves according to the laws of the society in which they live.

While we in the community commonly use the terms "slave" or "kajira/kajirus" interchangeably to describe one who has made the voluntary decision to surrender themselves fully to their nature and walk that path, we assert that this is only a popular term making reference to the descriptions of slavery upon which those relationships are based and not a reference to any actual state of complete subjection of one person to the will of another. This is illustrated by the fact that "slaves" retain certain freedoms of action or will.

Chief among those freedoms, and serving to clearly differentiate those relationships from actual slavery, is the ability to terminate the relationship.

What is a Kajira?

(If I were to be asked to describe a kajira in as few words as possible, asked to sum up the whole concept of a slave in two words, I would say: a treasure.)

"Kajira" is a word adopted by the VC meaning "Slave Girl."

A kajira is not a BDSM "subbie" or a "masochist." She is a slave, not only because the free would have it so, but because it is her very nature. Submission is an absolute mental and emotional condition for this type of person, it is a totality of being. Consensual Slavery as a kajira is the fulfillment of this nature. 

The VC's version of a kajira is trained like any other slave in the sexual arts, entertainment, dance, & service. but what really sets them apart is that they are sometimes trained in the "arts" of the occult, as altars. They are also normally trained as donors to those within the Vampire, Therian, & Otherkin communities. Some are even trained to become "first girl" & oversee the members of what is known in the VC as a "golden circle".

What does being a kajira mean?

If you are here so that some big, strong MAN can overwhelm you and give you the sex you've always dreamed of, you're in the wrong place.

Being a kajira is more than the misconception that you are a sex slave. Being a Kajira mean means being a useful tool in your Master’s life. Specifically, it means to love beyond any you’ve experienced before. It means exposing the “dark” side of your personality that has lain dormant all your life. It means commitment, to this path, to your Master, to your heart; And exposing yourself to so much more beyond anything to be experienced within “normal society”. 

Being a Kajira means love. Mutual love. Most claim to be in love or claim to love their partner because that is what you are SUPPOSED to say/ feel in a relationship. A lot of people live out their lives this way, never questioning what society has drilled into their brains as the “norm”. Very few have been made happy by this, but they continue on for lack of anything better to think of. The emotions you feel as a kajira are deeper and more real than anything you have ever seen or even heard of. 

A kajira is loved for their mind, their spirit, their soul, and of course their service. In turn, a kajira loves their Master/Mistress for their strength (both mental and physical), their soul (the depths of which enfold me in unending warmth and protection), and What they promised in return for the kajira's service, their promise to handle all that comes their way with swift action and an unwavering heart.

A kajira is one who finds great pleasure in knowing that their services, no matter how big or small, will make another happy. All their life they have worked hard to make sure everyone was happy or proud of them and their accomplishments. Always striving to reach higher, to continually seek growth, the praise received from such is what makes their world go round. There is such pleasure to be found in another’s happiness and joy and that is what makes a kajira enjoy their slavery so much. That need to fulfill another’s desires is what makes them tick. 

Submit: to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others. 

Surrender: The act of surrendering; the act of yielding, or resigning one's person, or the possession of something, into the power of another. Please note the difference in words. 

By submitting to a Master a kajira puts themselves before him for consideration or approval...They have free choice whether to accept that decision or not. They choose whether or not to accept that authority over them. However, owned kajira not only have a need, a calling within them to submit to another, they are also deeply compelled to surrender their heart, body, spirit and soul to another. Is that in any way shape or form easy? Especially for those who were told growing up that they had to be strong and independent? Of course not. 

Yes, as Kajirae they are expected to serve. But no real Master wants a robot. No, they want flesh and blood. They want someone that captures their minds, snares their hearts, and ignites their soul.

Whilst these relationships are on the extreme end of service and obedience often built upon an owner/property Master/slave dynamic; They’re all still people, and many don’t go to such an extent that they disregard their kajira's welfare. To those who truly understand what submission is, a slave is something to be valued, to be fussed over and adored, as well as to be served by.

A relationship with a kajira is like unto a marriage; once she wears his collar, she is his, heart body and soul, which is why it is important that both Master and slave be sure of what they want before the collar clicks closed.

The strengths of a kajira

It has been said that a kajira has no responsibilities or thoughts of her own, that the master holds all the responsibilities. All I can say to that is get real! A kajira is not a mindless robot. They are fiery, they are passionate, they are ruled by strong deep-seated emotions, they are intelligent, they have ideas, thoughts, concerns, issues, fantasies, wants and needs.

A kajira is a woman who is confident in her femininity, strong in her commitment and strong in spirit. A kajira offers herself freely, of their own free will and in that, they chose to give their own will into another's care. A Kajira is obedient, not because they have to, but because they choose to be. It is, without a doubt, a difficult process and fears surface each time a limit is pushed or a change is realized, but it is a very worthwhile journey and not everything is painful. A Master does not walk this path out of cruelty or a desire to inflict pain, or a desire to have a kajira who will blindly do his bidding… I mean, how many people really want to spend time with a mindless robot? No one walks the path of a kajira out of fear either, but because they want to.

A kajira finds that a master makes them look into themselves, recognize and accept their beauty, speak their ideas, thoughts, dreams, fantasies, and aspirations and be loved just for being themselves. It is a hard thing to accept yourself and realize that you are loved just for being that person, the dark side of your nature just as much as the light. It takes an inordinate amount of strength, but hat is what a kajira does every day. The strengths of a kajira is to look into yourself and accept everything that is there, good and bad. The strength to change aspects of yourself in order to better yourself. The strength to place everything you have ever accepted as intrinsic to who you are, to one side as you learn. 

Being a kajira means one thing, being at peace with yourself. Actually accepting who you are and being lucky enough to find in someone, your Love Master and completion. Someone you can surrender your body, mind, spirit and heart into their hands, their care.

So you think you want to become a kajira? 

Many think they can be a kajira, but in reality, they don't have a clue. slavery is hard, unfair, demeaning, and goes against what you, as human females, were brought up to believe. Then again, slavery can be wonderful. It can bring a sense of freedom to a kajira, let her very soul take flight with exquisite pleasure. It can seep into your soul, without you even knowing it.

There is a lot to learn about being kajira (slave), and only the truly serious will take the time to learn it well. It's not something you will learn overnight and in reality, a good kajira will continue to learn all the time. First off, the mindset of a kajira is critical. A girl must want to serve others with all her heart, not just serve one person, and not just serve sexually. A kajira must achieve total effacement of self, an abnegation of one's own desires, and the turning-outward of one's energies toward others. A kajira, secondly, shows herself and her beauty off in everything she does. You will utilize every action, from entering a channel to approaching a Master, to bring pleasure to the Free with your unique loveliness and style. On the other hand, slavery is about the Free, not the slaves - how long can you sit in a room, unnoticed, not called upon, without fidgeting, without adding a little comment here and there to get yourself noticed? Which is not to say that kajirae should not enter into conversations; but they do need the self-control to be still when the time is appropriate. As Will Rogers put it, Never miss a good chance to shut up. 

Being a kajira is not to be taken lightly. It takes a lot of hard work, and determination. As a kajira, you need to have a deep craving, and an inner desire to serve. As slaves, you should wish to be perfect, but you need to understand that no matter how hard you try to please the Free, you'll never be able to. Be yourself, embellishment of one's image is normal, but complete falsification of who you are as a person only leads to hurt and anger. There will be times (because yes, we are human) that in your mind you'll want to lash out and blurt out words that as time goes on, will surely come to mind. But if you really want to be a kajira, you won't say them. You'll bite back the rudeness, the feeling of "how dare they say this or that". Many kajira say they have black and blue tongues, but they learn what to speak about, and what not to speak about. The Free will often encourage you to speak openly, but constantly acting a brat is only going to get your ass kicked right out of the door; And it will gain little if any help from the girls who've been just where you are now, alone, scared and wondering what they got themselves into.
The biggest thing to remember though is - you are here to have fun, to grow, and to enjoy yourself and others. There will be changes within you as you let your inner slave-self fly free, as you fulfill yourself as a woman in this unique, super-womanly way. 

Finding your way was the first step, but probably the most important one you'll ever have to face again.

The first lesson: 
Engrave this upon your heart, you who would be a kajira, and know this cold: because nothing you ever learn, no training you ever receive is more important.
A kajira has but three duties, in this order of priority; and she lives to perform them.

  • A kajira is pleasing; to her Master or Owner first, then to whom he serves.

  • A kajira is obedient; following her Master's or Owner's commands in their spirit, to the letter.

  • A kajira is pretty; in her Master's or Owner's eyes, and those around her.

The second lesson:

More important than anything else, save your Duties -

  • A kajira is loyal to her heart, not her collar, not a Home Stone.

The challenges of choosing this Path

The biggest challenges of this path are being able to live and be who you are without having to justify yourself to every fucking stranger, and family member, because your choice and relationship dynamic doesn’t fit modern day societal norms we have had rammed down our throats every single day since we were born.

  • Being kajira doesn’t mean you are consenting to abuse

  • Being kajira does not mean you must have a mental illness

  • Being in this type relationship doesn’t mean you are in an abusive relationship

  • Being kajira does not mean you don’t have an opinion, or a mind, or thoughts.

Being kajira and walking this path means you are the exact opposite of every single sentence I have just quoted, and most people cannot handle that. In fact, the very fact you are a kajirae mean most Men out there cannot handle you or give you what you need. And that’s the biggest challenge.

  • Having to wear masks in public.

  • Having to be conscious of what you say.

  • Hiding your true self.

  • Having to justify your role to people who notice something and question you in a way that they will understand.

  • Having to adjust your speech in public so you don’t call your partner “my Master” in public and have the joy of answering all the questions it will raise.

  • Having to adjust your behavior when friends come round to your home or you are visiting.

These are some of the challenges of being kajira. Because society will not accept you if they think you are different. It threatens their imperfect little bubble. But it isn’t the biggest challenge… 

The biggest challenge of being kajira in today’s society is being true to yourself regardless of peoples perceptions and societies expectations. That is the challenge and by choosing to be a kajira, it means you will fight it every single day. Some days you will lose that fight. But so what? Success isn’t about winning or losing. Success is about having the strength to pick yourself up and try again on the days you fail.

So why do we support a person's right to choose this path?

A slave always has a choice, believe it or not, and in bondage most slaves are freer than many a Master. A slave can DECIDE whether or not to serve, whether to commit and love and cherish a Master or not. Most who take on this path do so out of a fully felt need to serve someone they love and respect, those they choose to serve view their kajira as a treasure, to be valued, and always with a level of respect and love they deserve.

Those who choose this path have a commitment to something greater than themselves, and they commit to strive to become something greater than they are today.

Advice, from a Master's perspective:

A slave is something to be valued, to be fussed over and adored, as well as to be served by. A kajira is property, is owned by her Master; once she wears his collar, she is his heart body and soul, which is why it is important that both Master and slave be sure of what they want before the collar clicks closed. Many a Master I have known has collared a girl and later found her to be not what he wanted, not what he thought, and disgusted and angry, turned her loose, to fend for herself. Many a kajira heart has been shattered that way, never to recover. Perhaps some Masters feel this is just, that it matters not to them the concerns and feelings of a simple slave. Those Masters do not view a kajira as a treasure, but as merely another possession, to be used and then discarded at their leisure. 

And, in my opinion, those are not TRUE MASTERS.

A true Master is one who values and cherishes his kajira, who views her as a priceless treasure and lets her know it from time to time. This is the kind of Master that will touch the kajira's heart and soul, and endure her to him always. A true Master does not abuse a slave heartlessly for the sheer joy of it, or make a slave serve him out of fear. A true Master is one who rarely has to resort to physically punishing his slave to get her obedience and servitude. Instead, they strive to truly touch a slave's heart and soul, truly endear her to him, that she is filled with such love and devotion for her Master that the idea of displeasing him is to her hell on earth.

It has been my experience that it is a poor Master that HAS to resort to physically punishing his slave to get her obedience and servitude.
While some kajira DO find physical punishments such as spanking both terrifying and arousing and sometimes playfully provoke a Master to gain a "punishment"---which is more a pleasure---the distinction to be made is that is not necessary to use it for a slave truly endeared to a Master.

If one has truly touched a slave's heart and soul, truly endeared her to him, she will be filled with such love and devotion for her Master that the idea of displeasing him would to her, be hell on earth. Such a Master merely telling her that she has displeased him, that he is disappointed in her, is enough to tear her heart and reduce her to tears, begging to be forgiven and eager to prove herself worthy of his collar.
But that is the type of commitment and bond a kajira seeks, and what a Master should be prepared for.
If not, then this path is not for either of you.

So, one may ask, how do you make a slave love and respect and need you so much?
The answer is simple - You cannot *MAKE* a slave love you. A slave always has a choice, believe it or not, and in bondage, most slaves are freer than many a Master.

A slave can DECIDE whether or not to serve, whether to obey or to take the punishment, whether to stay or flee a Master's attentions, whether to commit and love and cherish a Master or not. And many slaves, having trustingly offered themselves heart and soul to an unappreciative Master before, are wary and reluctant to give such devotion and commitment to a Master too soon. 

That is why a Master must get to their kajira before they grant one their collar and a kajira must get to know a master before accepting it, for there must be a bond, an attraction, a love, and devotion before the collar clamps shut if you expect one afterward. While some are able to endear kajirae to them somewhat easily, without much more than a kind word and a trip to the bed, most relationships are not so lucky. 

To those who would take on such a heavy responsibility, 
my advice is to view your kajira as a treasure, to be valued, used as you wish, but always with a level of respect and love. You will be more than satisfied with the results.

To those who walk this path, I say this,
When in search for a master be wary of those who claim to be a "god among boys trying to be men", or who make grandiose claims of their "innate mastery over slaves". You will find that these men are usually the ones who are (in real life) physically & mentally abusing, as well as manipulating, those under their care.

Instead, look for the master who knows the difference between Free Women and Kajirae. One that respects their freedom, understanding that they have to be strong to carry their position & respects the strength that they have so kindly earned. This is the type of master that will raise a kajira up within her collar, wanting her to soar, rather than subjugating her under a domineering foot.

Our Clan's Stand on Consensual Slavery in the VC: About
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