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(Adopted from Clan Resurrectus)

Concerning Vampirism
The origins of what we refer to as vampirism are relatively unknown at this time.  The general accepted theory is that this is a genetic condition, possibly a mutation.  There are those that accept this, but add that there is a spiritual or existential reason attached to it as well. Those theories will not be expounded upon here, but general identification will be. For all intents and purposes, we are humans with a condition, one of which we should not have to apologize for or cringe from.  Because of the side effects of this condition mimicking the vampire of myth and folklore in many ways, we have adopted the name. We have a need for additional prana, or sustenance, which we have found from partaking in the consumption of fresh blood or drawing off the lifeforce of another. As a result, we can maintain what we consider normal health.

There are some benefits from this that we attribute to our condition:
·    Faster healing
·    Increased speed (celerity)
·    Varied psychic abilities
·    Slower aging
·    Increased strength
·    Heightened senses

These are the basic attributes, though there are others.  To put it in layman’s terms, in order for us to maintain our health, we must absorb additional energy.  Failure to do so causes physical and sometimes mental breakdown.  It is imperative that we have this or we begin to degenerate.

Let’s take a look at what we are not:
·    Immortal (in the physical sense)
·    Undead
·    Masters of animals, insects or weather
·    Shape shifters
·    Monsters
·    Satanists (though there are those that embrace this philosophy, it does not define the whole)

We do not:
·    Glitter in the sunlight
·    Implode or rot in sunlight
·    Sleep in coffins (unless we really want to)
·    Live in graveyards
·    Live for hundreds of years
·    Fly
·    Hunt or kill others for sustenance
·    Hate crucifixes, crosses or other “holy” representations
·    Hate garlic, untie every knot we see or count grains of rice or wheat
·    Not enter houses without an invitation, although to do otherwise is just considered rude or trespassing
·    Sleep all day and stay up all night unless we feel like it
·    Constitute a danger or threat to anyone

So many people have confused things because of the Internet, Hollywood and mental illness.  We are not sired. We were not turned, nor can we turn anyone into this, so don’t ask.  We do not have an all powerful “master,” “king,” “prince,” "Imperator" or any other nonsensical title that we follow, though some claim to be.  We have Elders, who are supposed to be sages, wise, humble and responsible that lead through their words and deeds, not their egos or lust for power and money.  The unfortunate part of that is many who had the title “Elder” fell into this hubris and have tarnished the position.

Because of the allure of the vampire of myth and folklore, exemplified in television and movies, many want to be a vampire.  The largest cross-section of these are teenagers.  Because of the physical and psychological changes occurring during puberty, many teens look for acceptance and try to identify with a group or genre that reflects their feelings.  

The following are symptoms teens experience during these years that, because of poor information available, make them think they may be vampires:
·    Being nocturnal
·    Not wanting to go out during the day or sleeping excessively
·    Being depressed and thus anti-social
·    Mood swings
·    Becoming sexually active
·    Suicidal thoughts or tendencies
·    Drug/alcohol use
·    Excessive interest in the paranormal in all forms
·    Insecurity/xenophobia
·    Identifying with a literary or fictional character

Along with this are several psychological and physical diseases that can mimic certain vampiric traits:
·    Anemia
·    Porphyria
·    Catalepsy
·    Depression
·    Parasites
·    Certain venereal diseases
·    Certain forms of cancer at early stages
·    Glaucoma (early stages)
·    Diabetes
·    Dementia
·    Delusions (messianic complexes, of grandeur)
·    Certain forms of hepatitis
·    Vitamin/mineral deficiencies
·    Multiple personality disorders
·    Disassociate disorders (e.g. schizophrenia)

It is always best that if a person thinks they may have vampirism that they seek a doctor and/or a therapist first to rule out any other condition that may be extremely serious and could very possibly be spread to someone else during feeding.

The following are my meditations on the subject of vampirism:
⦁    Do not reveal yourself to others unless you have absolute faith in them.
⦁    Those that claim mythical powers or claim they’ve been alive for an unreasonable amount of time should be left alone.  They are living in a fantasy world and need therapy.
⦁    Do not bring violence against your brethren without good reason.  Never harm a mundane for spite.  Respect all and you will be respected.
⦁    Never think you are more than who and what you are.
⦁    Be careful of who you confide in or ask questions of; there are many who would blind you of the truth for their own gain or other harm.

Concerning The Community
The history of the community, not the OVC, but the original goes back a very long ways.  There are those of us who can recount the history we’ve learned as far back as the early 1900’s, a few a little farther.  The interesting part is due to what we’ve learned it’s a little like the four blind men describing an elephant; each is accurate from their account and experience, but incomplete as a whole.  I leave the history lesson to those better suited to record such things.  My information is for guidance, not historical accuracy.

The community (pre-net) while being rather territorial had the same original basis of the OVC; to make alliances, protect their own, teach, train and hold up a high standard.  With the advent of the Internet, it was possible to communicate and learn from each other, and help those new to the community learn who and what they were, where they could go for help, and bring a level of belonging they had never known.

With this came the unfortunate hunger of ego and hubris, which infected many.  The capability to dupe masses, print personal guidelines and insist that was the way, and make money off any and all they could filled the coiffeurs of greed for many, ignoring the basis of what we stood for.  We became revealed to a slanted and prejudiced world, increasing role-playing, life styling and a slew of ridiculous movies.  We began allowing the press to know of us through those that were/are the least qualified to do so, thus increasing the stigma against us.  All in the name of money and glory.  To quote Shakespeare from Macbeth, Act V “…it is a tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

The following are meditations on the subject of the community:
⦁    Beware those who are self-appointed leaders, or sit upon a throne or dais; they are false.
⦁    Beware those who follow empty titles, appointed by the minority, and try to influence the many; they are liars and thieves seeking only their own glory and greed.
⦁    Leaders who require money in return for their help, counsel, advice or attention are not leaders.
⦁    There will always be fighting, striving and division until the Elders/leaders take on their responsibilities.
⦁    The community ought to contain true vampires, not life stylers, Goth, emo, role players or the mentally disturbed that want to be “turned.”  There are endless sites for those that wish this.  It has no place in the community.
⦁    We are all brethren, regardless of our point of view; we should behave as such to each other.
⦁    Those newly awakened are special and should be treated as such, not shunned.  We were all new once; we should remember that and educate them properly.
⦁    The community is a culture, not a sub-culture.  Goths, emos and life stylers are a sub-culture.
⦁    We are as diverse as any culture.  We come from all walks of life, social and economic backgrounds, religions, philosophies, sex, sexual preferences and national origins.  None should be judged on any of these variables, but rather their actions.

Concerning Sanguinarianism
A great many people who have this condition seek to feed from blood.  For the Sanguinarian, fresh blood provides the greatest concentration of lifeforce (also defined as prana, chi, ki or qi). The feeding between vampire and donor is a very serious and sometimes intimate procedure.  It is IMPERATIVE that safety is observed, both for the donor and the vampire.  Blood is a breeding ground for diseases, bacteria, viruses and contains toxins, impurities and spent cells from tissues in the body.  By and large, the digestive and immune systems can destroy most of that, but certain diseases are not eradicated and therefore are a concern.

Due to the complexity involved, it is best that both donor and recipient are thoroughly tested for any and all diseases that can be blood borne.
Donors are very special people, and should be treated as such.  An individual who is willing to donate for the betterment of another is a treasure, and should be protected as such.  If you find a donor, your relationship should be open and honest as to your expectations and desires and they should do the same for you.  We tend to be territorial and don’t share, so it should be known if they provide for any other vampire up front as to avoid conflict.  An agreed upon procedure for the donation should be up front and sterile utensils should be used at all times.  The donor should be the one making any incisions or punctures, and should be the one deciding how much blood they are willing to provide. 


Many think that the Sanguinarian is a beast, wanting only blood to sate their thirst and move on.  This couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Sanguinarians can be as spiritual as the next person, seeking enlightenment and truth where it can be found either through personal beliefs, religion or philosophy.  If the truth be told, there are very few pure Sanguinarians left as most have evolved to involve other forms of feeding, hence moving them into the classification of Hybrid.

The following are meditations of Sanguinarianism:
⦁    Sanguinarian is a difficult life without a donor; it is a dangerous life without safety.
⦁    Sangs are perhaps the least understood of our culture.
⦁    Sang culture reaches back centuries through different peoples and religions.  It is the oldest sect in the community.
⦁    One must be extremely careful when drinking animal blood or eating raw meats; disease and parasites as well as harmful bacteria can be present.

Concerning Psychic Vampirism
Psychic vampirism stretches back nearly as far as Sanguinarianism.  In many cultures and religions, the absorbing of the lifeforce has been prevalent.  Many of its roots are found in cannibalism and warlike cultures.  On the subject of cannibalism, it is highly misunderstood.  The eating of a person was usually a very sacred and religious ceremony.  Parts of a loved one would be consumed with the intention of them living on, and the individuals would eat the brain, heart and other organs to absorb the knowledge, wisdom, strength and character of the deceased.  Warlike tribes would often eat the organs of their enemy and drink their blood in order to absorb their strength and knowledge.  Some would eat the hearts of wolves in order to take in the courage and strength of the wolf. While many would consider this in the Sanguinarian circle, the concept was absorbing lifeforce.

In certain majik sects, lifeforce was used in spell casting.  They would combine their energies, sometimes self-cutting in order to release the lifeforce from the body to make the spell more powerful.  Crystals and talismans were also used to increase the power involved coming from an individual for shielding or casting.

Today, psivamps are a large and respected sect.  They are very disciplined and can be very dangerous if not properly trained.  Their usual practice is to absorb lifeforce through contact, though many have evolved to proximity feeding drawing lifeforce energy from individuals or groups.  There are those that can draw energy from the elements and tantric practices.  There is the misconception that they drain energy in general; most only draw from specific energy lines, leaving others alone.  Furthermore, it is possible for a psivamp to channel energy into another for healing purposes.  They develop the ability to probe another’s thoughts and intentions, and can create powerful shields to protect themselves or others. To the psivamp, there is no such thing as distance as they can reach across any distance to divine, contact or communicate with another.

Psivamps are every bit of a vampire as a Sanguinarian.  This misconception and prejudice has continued on both sides for decades, causing a rift in the society.  Both should be respected, and should learn from each other.

The following are meditations on Psivamps:
⦁    Psivamps should be respected; they are our kin and brethren. Elitism does not serve either side well.
⦁    The most dangerous psivamp is one who does not understand who or what they are.
⦁    Psivamps are usually very intelligent and disciplined, and much can be learned from them.

Concerning Hybrids
A hybrid is a vampire who has both Psi and Sang traits, usually developed through discipline and need.  A lack of donor can move one in the direction of absorbing energy from almost any means, basically needs must.  The very fact that this can be developed is proof positive that there are inherent similarities between Sang and Psi, and there should be no conflict, just preference of feeding; agree to disagree.  It is thought that hybrids are the next evolution in the vampiric gene.  While that may never be proven in our lifetime, it is definitely a concept of discussion.

The following are meditations on hybrids:
⦁    Hybrids represent the future of our society, being in both worlds they can bring understanding to both sides.
⦁    Hybrids tend to be extremely empathic.
⦁    Hybrids, above all, need to study and develop discipline in all that they are.  Failure to do so will leave them torn asunder by both their natures.
⦁    Hybrids need not be afraid to explore either side of their natures; there is much to be learned.  Failure to do so will develop weaknesses, not strengths.

Concerning Therians
Therians can fall into many categories, the largest being Canus Lupus (wolves).
Therians are our brethren, comparable to cousins. Although there have been differences between us, primarily the struggle for territoriality and secondly the right to exist, many of the walls of differences between our peoples have been coming down.  It is not uncommon to be friends with Therians now, and many participate in the OVC on a regular basis.  Unfortunately, they are a scattered group operating primarily in packs with no real society to speak of. Disorganized and superstitious, they tend to prefer the company of their pack and will loosely affiliate with other packs. They are overall a large society, equal to the VC.
Other Therians can include, but are not limited to Mammalia, Felidae, Caninae, Avians, chordates, and cephalopods (though these are relatively non-prevalent).

The following are meditations on Therians: 
⦁    Eventually, alliances must be made with Therians.
⦁    Therians should not be confused with lycanthropes or shapeshifters.
⦁    Shapeshifters are very rare, and very dangerous.  These have developed a way of actually shifting (non-physically), not by being bitten by a wolf or even transform on the full moon.  That is Hollywood tripe.
⦁    Therians are very strong and very creative. Much can be learned from them.
⦁    Therians are not the enemy.  Do not treat them as such.

Concerning OtherKin
Like Therians, OtherKin are our brethren, comparable to cousins. It is not uncommon to be friends with OtherKin as well now, and many also participate in the OVC on a regular basis. Unfortunately, they too have no real srtuctured society to speak of. OtherKin are overall a large society, equal to the VC and Therian community alike, but tend to be insular and xenophobic.
Other OtherKin can include, but are not limited to demonkin, dragonkin, and fae (faeriekin).  These are relatively non-prevalent.

The following are meditations on OtherKin: 
⦁    Eventually, alliances must be made with OtherKin as well.
⦁    Like Therians, much can be learned from them.
⦁    OtherKin are not the enemy.  Do not treat them as such.

Concerning Theology
Over the decades and centuries, theology and religious beliefs have been involved in the society.  We are an extremely diverse culture, having members from almost every religion, theology and philosophy known.  It has been thought, specifically from Vampire Churches, that one must follow Satan and the practices of Satanism (also called the left-hand path) in order to be a true vampire.  This is a falsehood.  The choice to follow any particular faith is up to the individual, not any one sect of the society.  There are no direct ties to our condition and a particular philosophy.  Remember that this is a physical condition, not necessarily a spiritual one.
In our society, we have Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists, Agnostics, Atheists and everything in between.  There has never been an indication from any direction that one’s personal faith is in any way affected by our condition.

The following are meditations on Theology:
⦁    Your personal belief system is yours and yours alone.
⦁    Be open-minded and where you must agree to disagree, do so without malice.
⦁    Being what we are does not damn us to any hell.
⦁    Do not force your religious ideologies, doctrine or dogma on another, but if asked, answer questions.

Concerning Houses
Houses are an ancient structure, extending back to temples in our culture.  In the modern time, they have all but faded from existence and have been met with ridicule and derision.

The concept of a House is two-fold.  In times past, it was an actual structure; a place of refuge, safety and learning.  It was here that the wisdom of the Elders was sought, that Elders were trained, that teachers would gather students to teach wisdom, knowledge, train in the fields of our condition, and prepare newly awakened into the order.  It was a safe place of feeding, feasting and reverence.  The respect of a House lay on the shoulders of the Elder or Elders of the House and their Council.  To be part of a House was to be part of a family and to become an icon in the community.  Members of a House carried the responsibility of honoring the Elders with their words and deeds, being careful not to reveal who and what they were but to a select few and striving to strengthen the House as a whole.

In modern times, Houses are largely on-line.  The titular leaders or Elders have very little sense of responsibility due to not having direct contact and interaction with the members.  The rise of on-line groups has taken the place of Houses, which is a terrible and poor decision.  A great deal of misinformation has been injected and has caused problems, which cannot be solved overnight.  It has also allowed certain leaders to arise and blind many, who follow as sheep.  I will discuss this further in a different section.

The following are meditations on Houses:
⦁    Houses are an invaluable part of our community and need to come back into existence.
⦁    The Internet has both strengthened and weakened Houses.
⦁    Without strong Houses with respected Elders, this community is doomed.

Concerning Elders and other Titular Leaders
The very real problem of the current society is its leaders.  The Elders of old who could possibly lead have walked away in disgust at what has happened. Those who have the title have abused and tarnished it, thinking they are more than they are.  Some have taken the title of Prince or King; there is no such title without the will of the people. There is no community or society without the will of the people.

The very real problem is structure and organization.  There is no group or business in the world that does not have a hierarchy and chain-of-command.  People in the society don’t want leaders; they don’t want to feel they are following anyone.  These same people say that someone needs to do something, then complain about the people that do.  Granted, most of the self-appointed “leaders” have their agendas, which include greed, ego and power.  So, what can be done?

Quite simply the true Elders need to take their place and take up their responsibilities.  New Elders need to be trained, harmful organizations need to be done away with and a new Nation needs to be birthed.  What we have now is a miscarriage and will not survive.

The following are meditations on Elders and Leadership:
⦁    The Elders were to represent all that is good in this society.  They have failed.
⦁    The new breed of “leaders” do not have the best interests of the society at heart; only their on greed and lust for power.
⦁    The society has become apolitical; this must end or at least be brought into organization.
⦁    Leadership is necessary; without it we have no direction.  If the direction is not to the betterment of the whole, it is a path to destruction.
⦁    To follow a leader does not make one a sheep; wolf packs have an alpha, but they are still wolves.
⦁    Hierarchy is necessary.  Without it, chaos ensues.
⦁    The strongest of leaders cares for the weakest of members as they would for themselves.
⦁    An Elder or leader does not seek monetary compensation for their knowledge or wisdom, but share it freely.
⦁    A leader accepts responsibility for not only their actions, but for the words and actions of those they lead.
⦁    Every leader or Elder has a private agenda.  Those who say otherwise are liars.
⦁    A true leader is humble, does not puff up their ego and is aware that power corrupts.
⦁    A true leader uses strength when strength is needed, and shows mercy when mercy is necessary.  Strength of character is far more powerful than physical prowess.
⦁    A leader is patient and understanding, even in the face of calamity and adversity.
⦁    A leader does not banish without reason, and does not continue to make another’s life difficult because of differences.  They make sage decisions and compromise when needed.  Any who do not are not leaders, but are despots.
⦁    Heavy is the head and heart that wears the crown of responsibility.
⦁    Hard is the heart that sits on a throne with empty laud. Personal gratification is all they know.
⦁    They say that the love of money is the root of all evil.  If this is true, we have truly wicked leaders.
⦁    True leaders value knowledge and wisdom above all things.
⦁    A real leader will always admit when they are wrong, not blame another for their shortcomings.

Concerning Lifestylers
With the advent of movies, television and literature glorifying the vampire of myth and legend, many have chosen to adopt the lifestyle emulating the undead.  White Wolf, Dracula, Twilight, the list is endless.  Many prefer to LARP (Live Action Role Play) as they have seen Houses and the like portrayed.  Goths, Emos, RPGers, LARPers, all are harmless.  The very real problem is some have taken it so far as to call themselves living vampires and purvey themselves to the press, thus giving a very skewed image of who and what we are bringing ridicule and, in some cases, danger to themselves and others.  They have no place in the true Nation.  They should be allowed to pursue their interests as it pleases them, adding to the cover we stay under but should not be considered part of us.

The following are meditations on lifestylers:
⦁    These are people who do not know who we are.  Whenever possible, do not encourage them.
⦁    Do not reveal yourself to lifestylers unless they are bringing danger to the rest of us.
⦁    When they represent themselves as us, they should be ignored and isolated; showing derision or contempt will not help anything.
⦁    There may be some who practice lifestyle that may actually be one of us but are wallowing in someone else’s fantasy.  Take care if you approach them.
⦁    Do not allow yourself to be caught up in their delusions.  
⦁    Do not allow yourself to lower yourself to their level by confronting or arguing with them.  You are wasting precious breath.

Concerning "Hunters", "White Swans", and "Eophans"
Hunters are a blight on the society, a group of uninformed, ignorant zealots that see us as a threat to humanity.  This is to be expected.  With any change or quantum leap in humanity, there are those that fear it.  You will always fear what you don’t understand.  Caution must be taken; they are very real and very dangerous.  The more attention you draw to yourself, the more likely they are to hone in on you.

The following are meditations on hunters:
⦁    Do not reveal yourself or act in an unbecoming manner when in public.  We move in shadows, keep your nature hidden except with those you trust.
⦁    Take caution when hunters are about.  Travel in groups.
⦁    Hunters are murderers.  Any violence toward you should be reported first to the authorities, then to the VSCU, then the Council.
⦁    Do not hunt hunters.  You will only endanger yourself and others.
⦁    Disclose your meeting places only to those of your House.  Do not bring outsiders in, but take prospective members to the Elder or Council first to be examined.
⦁    Those in your House are your family.  Protect them as such.

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