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  • These By-laws hold no sway with any outside our family nor would we force them upon anyone.

  • It is for the modeling and maintenance of our Clan.

  • As members of Clan Hróðvitnirbur, it is expected that each will do their utmost to honor and promote these guidelines as a path of success for our family.

The By-Laws of Clan Hróðvitnirbur

1. Concerning The Individual:

  1. You are the only one who decides their own Road/Path in life. No one shall be forced into anything they do not wish to do.

  2. You should strive to learn any other sets of rules/laws that you encounter so to not offend members of other Houses, Courts, Clans, or Organizations.

  3. Your behavior should be an example for others, helping them overcome popular misconceptions of us. 

  4. You should strive to not bring harm to others unless in the defense of your own life.

  5. You shall not share information of another's nature to a mundane without consent. 

  6. Do not expose our existence to those who will be frightened by us or incapable of handling such knowledge.

  7. Follow, respect and obey the government's laws without exception.

  8. All sanguine or tantric vampires & donors shall be blood tested at least once every six months for diseases. All sanguine or tantric vampires, donors and sexual partners should keep a running log of all sexual and/or sanguine encounters and with who.

  9. If you are found to carry any communicable disease, it is your duty and responsibility to contact every person with whom you have had sexual and/or sanguine contact and notify them of your test results.

  10. Do not approach, make advances on, or touch anyone's Donor, Kithan, Kajira or Concubine without permission. If you wish to, ask permission from both members of the relationship in a polite manner.

2. Concerning The Donor:

  1. We do not feed without consent, no matter what. Ambient (room) energy feeding is the only exception to this rule.

  2. Feeding from anyone under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited. The same applies to any person over 18 who is mentally, or otherwise similarly handicapped.

  3. Do not fail to thoroughly screen donors for both physical and mental health conditions and concerns with frequently updated testing information as applicable. Likewise, do not fail to uphold all applicable laws governing the legal age of consent and matters relating to blood consumption or exchange.

  4. Do not feed from those who are knowingly infected with HIV, Hepatitis, or other blood-borne diseases or from those whose physical afflictions or condition places them at risk of harm by either sanguine or psychic feeding.

  5. Do not feed from someone whose psychological health we have reason to believe may be harmed by either sanguine or psychic feeding.

  6. Do not allow others to feed if your physical or mental health is in any manner compromised or you harbor any doubt as to your present health status.

  7. Do not fail to practice safer sex, and likewise, do not feed from those who do not practice safer sex. Blood exchange should occur between consenting adults, ideally while engaged in a monogamous relationship or otherwise universally agreed upon arrangement.

  8. Do not feed from anyone who is intoxicated, under the influence of illicit or illegal substances, or otherwise unable to render informed written or verbal consent.

  9. Do not draw unfavorable attention to our donors or ourselves by either flaunting feeding practices in an inappropriate setting or by exposing ourselves to those who actively seek to exploit us for personal gain.

  10. Whether we are vampires or are donors, we are not hesitant to report illegal behavior to law enforcement and remove ourselves from harmful situations.

3. Concerning The Clan:

  1. Members should follow an honorable set of moral traditions and/or codes of conduct.

  2. There shall be no rivalry with any person or group based on race, religion, bloodline or matters of sex/gender/sexuality.

  3. Do not cause drama within the Clan by discussing problems with someone behind their back to others. If there is a problem, bring it to the Clan's Elder Council to be handled.

  4. Do not bring into our community those who are mentally unbalanced, could cause harm or be harmed by contact with us.

  5. Initiating or awakening anyone under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited. The same applies to any person over 18 who is mentally, or otherwise similarly handicapped.

  6. We do not use any personal ability, physical or metaphysical, to attack another member of the Clan. 

  7. While in public all members shall behave in a polite, respectful and socially acceptable manner. Clan or community issues should be spoken of in quiet tactful conversation. 

  8. Always be aware of your surroundings & keep those who shouldn't be seeing or hearing what's going on from doing so.

  9. Fighting, harassment of any kind, or behavior unbecoming an adult are grounds for censure or expulsion and banning for a period of time from Private Havens. 

  10. Any verbal or physical altercations at meetings or official house events shall result in immediate censure. Repeated incidents will bring expulsion. 

  11. If a conflict or situation arises, we advise you to leave immediately and bring it to the attention of the Elder Council at a meeting or via private message.

  12. Anyone who wishes to vote at Clan meetings must be an active member of the Clan or one of its charters. Active members participate at open meetings, community gatherings, or other Clan/Community events.

  13. þegns, your mentor is responsible for your behavior in our society and for teaching you our laws and traditions. They are there to protect, council/advise and guide you, giving you a significant amount of their time and energy. In return, you are expected to treat them with honor and respect. 

  14. No mentor may demand financial payment simply for apprenticeship, yet a mentor is in no way financially responsible for their þegn. þegns must pay their own way.

  15. No one, regardless of rank or position, has a right to dictate your religious beliefs, mundane actions, financial and personal choices, friends, or personal moral code. 

  16. No member in a Mentoring situation shall EVER demand, order or attempt to coerce sexual favors from their apprentice or use immoral or illegal methods of persuasion.

  17. þegns must be approved through the Elder Council if the person has not awakened themselves. Apprenticeship is forbidden until approval is gained.

  18. Mundanes are welcomed, but they must be FIRST sponsored by a Vampire, Therian, or Otherkin. Sponsors must take full responsibility for those they sponsor.

  19. Mundane votes will be counted as usual unless otherwise protested for interfering with the will of the majority.

  20. Mundanes are to be treated as members of the family and shown respect.

  21. Both M'kheru & Kithani deserve our respect, admiration, and friendship. Never take them for granted, mistreat, or ignore them. They should also be treated with compassion and kindness. 

  22. M'kheru & Kithani are also expected to show proper respect as members of the family.

  23. All Members who travel to another territory are asked to make proper introductions to those who rule in that area & to abide by the laws of any territory they visit unless that law places someone in harm's way.

  24. Exiles of the Clan are not to be received. Those proven traitors, those who have been excommunicated, or those that wish us harm shall be cast out. We shall not acknowledge them in any way, they will become as ghosts without voices.

  25. If anyone of any rank breaks these laws, they will be immediately expelled and be excommunicated from the Clan.

4. The Council:

  1. Any physical or verbal assault against any council member will be treated as an act of treason until the House/Clan convenes to pass judgment. This likewise applies to attempts to overthrow the council, it's members or the Clan as a whole.

  2. The Elder Council will adjudicate all issues presented unless a vote is called for.

  3. The Elder Council must always rule & cast vote in an objective, & unbiased manner. If one can not they may be asked to step down for the issue in question.

  4. The Chain of command is always to be upheld and respected. Anyone who tries to break this law will be held accountable for your actions.

  5. In a vote, the majority vote will always decide the outcome.

  6. Any Clan member may call for a vote at any time.

  7. In disputes on subjects up for a vote, votes must be grounded for a month until the dispute can be resolved & votes cast.

5. Clan/House, Coven, Pack, or Kindred Meetings:

  1. In ALL meetings, Robert’s Rules apply.

  2. There will be two meetings a month, the first a public meeting of the community, the second a meeting of Clan members only.

  3. Meetings are to discuss topics and further learning, not to be a social gathering unless specified by the House Ubar/Ubara or Clan's Ubar San.

  4. Show proper respect to those of position; respect is earned.

  5. Mundane guests or visitors are not allowed in meetings. 

  6. Any conflicts, be they within the Clan, Clan House or with members of other Houses, should be brought to the attention of the Council to handle.

  7. Council Members have a responsibility to resolve issue in a timely and proper manner. 

  8. All internal issues should be kept internal.

  9. If a tribunal is necessary, be it for punishment or banishment, it should be brought before the Elder Council and Patriarch for consideration.

  10. New members of a House are to be interviewed by the House's Council and inducted at their discretion only.

  11. Use discretion in your meeting places, choosing those that are discreet and safe for all involved.

6. Penalties, Recompenses, and Banishments

  1. Any clan members who are accused of breaking the Clan's by-laws or Codes of Conduct shall be held in probationary status until such a time as the Clan Council can convene to assess evidence and pass judgment. 

  2. Any clan members who publicly breaks the Clan's by-laws or Codes of Conduct shall be immediately banished and labeled as an Exile of the Clan.

  3. Any clan members who are found to have recently broken the Law of the Land shall be immediately banished and labeled as an Exile of the Clan.

  4. Exiles of the Clan shall be publicly denounced, sanctioned and stripped of their recognition within the clan by the clan's leadership. We will not recognize any titles they may bestow upon themselves.

  5. Exiles of the Clan shall be given the status of "Persona Non-Grata" or "Sin Nomine" within the clan and their names shall NOT be brought up in a conversation for any reason. 

  6. Exiles of the Clan shall be denied the "Right of Sanctuary" from all private havens, private Vmadea, or any other such places that “Sanctuary” can be called upon or given by the clan.

  7. Exiles of the Clan shall be treated as "Invisible" at all public events and gatherings by all members of the Clan. In instances where we see them publicly, or if approached, we will remain civil until we are able to remove ourselves from their presence.

  8. Exiles of the Clan shall not be permitted to attend Clan-sponsored events.

  9. Clan members are allowed, on an individual basis and at their own discretion, to maintain relationships with Exiles, so long as the said relationship does not have a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of the Clan or any Clan Member.

  10. Exiles of the Clan may, depending upon their crimes, request a tribunal after a year has passed from the date they were banished from the clan. This tribunal shall establish by vote whether or not to allow them back into our fold. 

  11. If the tribunal vote passes, grounds for the traitor's recompense shall be agreed upon by the Clan's leadership. Exiles must complete all reparations before they may join the clan as þegn and begin the road to regaining their membership.

Our Clan's ​By-Laws: About
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