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A term used by the OSV to designate family relation to a House or bloodline. "Of the family of...."; for example: Angel, abani Sahjaza or Stephen, abani Omallie, for those in this small section of the vampire community.

An elder who has earned the respect of the community, and specifically the OSV but is not the member of any House or organization. Such vampires are usually strong willed, confident and very independent. Often they choose this path after becoming disgusted with or otherwise tired of the politics of the community. A special title given to honorary members of an OSV family who might either be Ronin/Teliob or members of other Households or Orders. The name of Abbon is useful for related Households or Orders to make alliances and show respect for each other and for select individuals who choose not to or are not interested in making a formal commitment to join a group for any reason. An alternate term in the Eclipsan system is Avavago.

1. (Sanguinarium) Someone who is a member of the Synod and helps run administrative tasks such as moderating elists, checking spelling, helping with programming, etc.
2. (House Eclipse) An assistant or helper in any religious organizations associated with vampires (and mundanes for that matter). For example, an acolyte would ensure that an incense burner was in place for a ritual or rite, filled at all times and moved as needed. An acolyte may also handle ritual implements, bringing them to ritual participants and putting them away when no longer needed.

A term for a sponsor or mentor of someone in the community. The Adra is responsible for teaching their Nadja or Gevanma (Apprentice) the ways of the community or of a specific group including the Black Veil or other behavioral codes and the contents of the Scrolls of Elorath in the OSV system. In other groups, a mentor is called other names, such as the Eclipsan term Pibliar. In many groups the teachings depend on the Apprentice or Gevanma's personal interest and specific safety requirements. This relationship can be defined as those involved see fit, ranging from a dom/sub, brother/sister, sire/childe, etc. or a multitude of other options. Also see sponsor.

In the Enochian language, this is the word for service. It is the formal term used by House Eclipse for those who choose to serve others in whatever way, including as non-vampiric Kitra. Usually an OtherKin person who chooses to support and aid a leader or ally rather than leading themselves. Often bonded to the one they aid by blood or magic. These vampires act as supporters and aides for other vampires, and also work as a check on the vampire in a leadership position's ego. Somewhat similar equivalent to the term Kijara of the OSV and means "servant" in Enochian.

(Elenari only) As recalled from the shared past lives of real people who identify as Elenari otherkin, Aelveron is one of the Elenari home-worlds.

Abbreviation of, which see.

The vampires of legend in whatever form or type. Sometimes thought to be spirits, deities or angels of a sort and revered by many vampires as guardians or protectors similar to the Christian angels and saints. Also seen as the nonhuman or superhuman creatures the original legends of vampires referred to These beings, since they are sometimes seen as astral, and always more than human, do not age and usually do not require any mundane items or comforts.

Abbreviation of alt.horror.werewolves, which see. Also written as AHWw.

1. (fiction) In Katharine Kerr’s “Deverry cycle” fantasy novel series (1986-present), an alardan is a meeting or meeting-place of a few groups of elves.
2. This word was adopted from the above fantasy series to refer to small in-person gatherings of otherkin. It was used from 1999 to about 2001 in the Elven Realities mailing list. Syn. gather.

Variant spelling of Alfandria.

1. Nickname for the newsgroup, from the title of the same.
2. [Est. 1998.] AlfandriaMUCK. A certain MUCK (Multi-User Chat Kingdom) spin-off of
3. The fictional country in which role-play takes place in and in the MUCK.
Also Altfandra, Alfandra.

Variant spelling of Alfandria.
A newsgroup for talking about dragons in fiction, made in 1993. Later, it became a place where people pretended to be dragons (role-play), and talked about how they were really like dragons in spirit (draconity). This is one of the main places where spiritual draconity was first talked about, and remained the center of the dragon otherkin community until about 2002. They gave their newsgroup at least 144 different whimsical nicknames. This book lists only the few nicknames that they usually used. Note that most newsgroups were named with the prefix “alt” (alternate or alternative). Abbrev. AFD. Nicknames include Alfandra, Alfandria, Altfandra, and the Dominance.

A newsgroup for talking about werewolves in horror movies and fiction, established in 1992. Later, it became a place where people talked about feeling like they were werewolves in real life, and they explored werewolf spirituality and therianthropy. Note that most newsgroups were named with the prefix “alt” (alternate or alternative). Abbrev. AHWW.

An award given for a vampire who has directly saved lives or helped others by defending them. This is mostly a Mradu ranking/award but on occasion is earned by others. This is often given to vampires who work as paramedics or EMT's, Firefighters, Police or doctors, volunteers for groups such as the Guardian Angels or those who work as big brothers and big sisters for children. These are a set of matching blessed or enchanted daggers that are worn on formal occasions, and a Mundane counterpart for them is often also worn. These daggers are never used in combat save in an absolute emergency to defend one's life or the lives of others. This is extremely unlikely and they are primarily a badge and sign of honor. The word Amakh is a transliteration of the Ancient Egyptian word for Honor.

One who has earned the honor of wearing Amakh blades by defending another in combat and being of the warrior caste. This can be physical defense, as with a bodyguard or police officer, defending and fighting for another's life, such as an EMT or Firefighter or fighting spiritually, such as a person who acts as a Big Brother or Big Sister to youth in trouble. Essentially, they are awarded for extraordinary service in aiding others. Also a formal term for a member of the Warrior caste of Tabaan level or above who have usually earned this honor.

animal interior
(Portuguese language only) Portuguese for “inner animal.”

When a person first comes to understand that he is an animal at heart (a Were), he is said to have become “awere”. Compare Awakening.

Vampires who have been awakened through sympathetic vampirism, a magical system or ritual or by an epiphany or near death experience. Some vampires are said to have been made vampyres through a ritual or by another. The ability to do this is questionable, as most mentors are only known to be able to help someone come to terms with their vampyric condition, Ardetha are rare case, as the ability to "turn" another is a great gift or a rare ritual. Also referred to as Salbrox or Made vampires.

Usually a councilor (Kitra) who is trained to initiate a balance of the energy in a ritual. Also a Companion who is trained to balance the energies of several members of the priest caste. They usually sit in the center of a ritual and many times assist one priest in the workings of magic.

A word to designate those who have potential for vampirism but are dormant. Un-awakened vampires who may or may not be Awakened purposefully or Awaken on their own. Taken from the Enochian word meaning "Secret Wisdom" and somewhat corresponding to the OSV term "Klavasi"

The name for a ritual blood substitute and enhancer made using alchemical and magical means from plant, animal and other ingredients. This was created by Raven OrthaeVelve of House Eclipse and is used in many of the rituals in the system of sanguine vampiric magic created and published by her on the House Eclipse website. It is extremely complex, time consuming and demanding to make.

Those vampiric entities who are said by the OSV and the Temple of the Vampire to act as guides and tools of magical workings in those traditions. These are capable of appearing as whatever the being wishes, from ancient gods to totemic animals, such as wolves, bats or hawks, to archetypes such as the Dragon or Griffin. This word also refers in the OSV tradition to the ancient deities and mythical/spiritual personas such as Lilith, Set, The Ancient Vampyric Gods, Caine, Kali, etc. Also may refer to the belief that the Ageless exist somewhere and still guide sanguinarians. Thus the Greater Ageless are also referred to as the Ancients, or seen as lesser descendants and assistants to the Ancients.

A newly Awakened vampire who is strongly emotionally or blood bonded to an elder/mentor. Apprentices are seen as children and all of their actions are considered to be those of the mentor. If an Apprentice makes a mistake, their mentor fixes it and takes responsibility for it. The Elder/Apprentice bond is extremely strong and very complex. As Apprentices are legal adults, their actions outside the House are their own to deal with, and the mentor assumes no responsibility. Mentors may separate from Apprentices in case of a severe disagreement though this is traumatic for both parties. It is the Mentor who declares an Apprentice ready to survive and act within the community on their own before the House and asks that the Apprentice's rank be raised. Often Mentor and Apprentice are lovers or close friends.

The drinking of one's own blood. Very dangerous for a vampire to do for reasons of self control and health.

This is the polite term for an independent vampire who has achieved recognition and respect without the help of a House or other organization. Such individuals are extremely strong, wise voices in the community who aid us in looking beyond the "group only" mindset most vampires posses. Examples of people who have earned such recognition are Sanguinarius, MemoryandDream and Nitallica. They on occasion ally themselves with Houses though their actions and beliefs will always remain uniquely thier own. The term comes from the Enochian word for "The Thunders of Increase" and is meant to pay homage to the strength of character and independance posessed by such people.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarum)This occurs when someone awakens to their latent vampire natures. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after the onset of puberty, but in some individuals may take years to manifest. Those undergoing the awakening, undergo various mental and physical changes. These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light (particularly to sunlight), a growing affinity for night and darkness, switching from a diurnal to a nocturnal to a diurnal sleeping schedule, and experiencing the first symptoms of the thirst. Many experience acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their "normal" family and friends. Many seek out organizations or groups to help understand their desires and newfound feelings. *See also Becoming and Turning. Also refers to the dawning awareness of becoming a different type of Otherkin or adopting that archetype as a part of one's personality.
2. (Sanguinarius) The physical and mental changes that occur when someone awakens to their latent vampire nature. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after the onset of puberty, but in some individuals may take years to manifest. Those undergoing the awakening, undergo various mental and physical changes. These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light and particularly to sunlight, a growing affinity for night and darkness, switching from a diurnal to a nocturnal to a diurnal sleeping schedule, and experiencing the first symptoms of the thirst. Many experience acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their "normal" family and friends. Many seek out organizations or groups to help understand their desires and newfound feelings. (See also "turning")

Originally a fiery, blood drinking serpent in Ancient Egyptian mythology that helped judge the sins of the spirits of the dead. Now used as a respectful honorific before the name of a vampire (for example, in a formal setting or letter, Ayahtiaru Jonathan) or as a respectful name for a sanguine vampire.

A matriarch or patriarch, also high priest or priestess of a household, order or guild. A high priest or priestess within the group called the Synod.

A term that seems to have been recently made up by members of OSV, as it has only been used recently. It supposedly translates from the invented language called Elorathian to mean, "The Old Ones", and is a term for the old-school vampires that predate the modern vampiric internet community. Most of these Azralim are supposed to have ties to the old covens of New York City and one can hope, to other places. According to OSV, it is they who passed on all their traditions to the vampire community as well as their philosophies and teachings via the Sanguinarium, who of course claim to be the only ones to receive this "Wisdom". Most vampires know by the fact of being intelligent that the OSV is a new group attempting to make itself look important with ties to older things, which is a classic technique in religious groups and magical orders. Those who have spoken to vampires who predate the explosion of the community in the 90's have come away with the impression that such older vampires are disgusted by such claims and to be polite consider them patently false.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium*) A particular feeling or energy signature generated by vampires in general, but latent or potential vampires in particular. The beacon seems to exist to attract other vampires to their potential so that they may instigate the awakening process. Some believe that the Beacon is actually a type of pheremone or other such chemical that is recognizable on a subconscious level by other vampires. The strength of the Beacon dictates what level of experience a vampire is. Thus a subtle Beacon usually signifies a latent vampire and a strong one a full member of the community. 2. (Sanguinarius)A particular feeling or energy signature generated by vampires in general, but latent or potential vampires in particular. The beacon seems to exist to attract other vampires to the potential vampire so that they may instigate the awakening process.

Beast, the
1. (OSV and Sanguinarum)Also known as "the Dragon", "The Darkside","The Dark" or "the Shadow". This is the primal, instinctive and animalistic side of the vampire. In some traditions the beast is seen as only a small part of being a vampire, while in others, the beast is seen as the very personification of the vampire nature. The Beast is the overwhelming desire for blood or energy which arises when one hasn't fed recently. Learning to cope with and control the beast is an integral part of balancing one's "Nightside" or vampiric existence with one's "Dayside" or ordinary life. See also Dragon.
2. (Sanguinarius)The primal, instinctive, animalistic, bestial nature of a frustrated or desperate vampire, where he or she gets really evil-minded and aggressive and wants to just go berzerk, rip people and things apart for the pure "fun" of it, and feed violently. It's destructive and cold, and if you don't control it, then you will be under its control. This is different from just "vamping out" but that is when it's most likely to manifest.
3. (Illuminatti) The need for blood running rampant and uncontrolled.

According to OSV, a process akin to awakening, which is the act of embracing one’s vampirism. Many individuals awaken to their true nature, only to end up hiding from it and suppressing it for the rest of their lives. Many people using other systems consider this term outdated or innacurate, as aone cannot become a vampire through any means. The potential for vampirism is either present or not, and almost nothing can change that. In OSV tradition, this process is marked with a rite of passage, such as an exchange of blood or energy with a mentor or a ritual of death and rebirth. Other groups use other rituals, or none at all, seeing the event itself as traumatic and frightening enough without enhancing this with ritual. Some traditions see the Becoming as the "Rite of Passage" marking vampiric adulthood. See also Awakening and Turning.

An affiliate member of a Sanguinarium household, who is still in the outer circle and not yet initiated. Often has gone through the Rite or Oath of Dedication and has been sponsored by a full member of a house such as a Isro or Elder. They are also testing their place in the family. Bellah are also known as "dedicants" or "pledges". Bellah are mentored, protected and guided by all more senior House members and cherished similarly to children. Typically, the mentor or Adra of a Bellah is responsible in part for their apprentice's behavior and actions.

A vampire drawn to help, heal and otherwise aid other vampires through magic, counseling or simply being there for others in time of need. These vampires are cherished for their wisdom, grace and kindness and often become teachers of apprentices in the arts of healing. They rarely choose leadership roles or postitions, finding the hassle and strife irritating or harmful to their gentle natures. Instead they choose a vampire or group to ally with, usually on the condition of being left out of feuds and arguments. The word is taken from the Enochian word meaning "Comforter" and is similar to the Kheprian word "Kitra" and the caste it describes.

Black Swan
A non-vampire lover or friend who is not a vampire by nature or an Unawakened vampire, but who is nevertheless favorably inclined towards Vampires. They may or may not frequent vampire nightclubs and usually understand the demands of existence as a vampire. Black swans are often family, friends and donors who can aid vampires in coming to terms with their natures with their willingness to keep an open mind. Occasionally a Black Swan will Awaken due to the proximity of vampires and their Beacon. An alternate term is Kithani. See also White Swan.

Black Veil 
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium)"The thirteen rules of the community", written by Father Todd and amended by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu. The Black Veil encourages respect among members of the vampire scene regardless of their different traditions and urges vampires to be sensible and discrete in their lifestyles. The Black Veil is sometimes also known as the Thirteen Rules of The Community. There are many different versions in existence, all of which have their adherents. All are basically the same idea with different expressions and degrees.
2. (Sanguinarius) Also known as the "Thirteen Rules of Community". Composed by Michelle Belanger, Father Todd Sebastian and COVICA, this is a set of 13 common-sense guidelines for the Sanguinarium as well as the vampire community. It deals with such things as responsibility, etiquette, feeding practices, the lifestyle, discretion, etc. The Black Veil has undergone several major revisions since its first incarnation in 1997 in attempts to be made more applicable and palatable to the real vampire community and not just the Sanguinarium; in 2003, it was revised once again and cut down to just seven tenets.

(Derogatory) A person who identifies as several kinds of creatures, some of which may be supernatural. Non-derogatory equivalent terms include hybrid, polywere.

Blood is nourishment for a sanguine vampire. It is also called lifefood, food or life essence.

Blood and Roses
A rather over-dramatic term for a wedding performed between two members of OSV in their wedding ritual. To many this seems inappropriate since the OSV is extremely intolerant of Sanguine vampires and consistently tries to push the idea that they must learn to subsist on energy alone, or that at least they are being unsafe.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Rumored underground vampire havens, which have a members-only and very secretive policy. They are only open members of the community, if then. It is said they serve stored blood and/or have willing donors who provide blood over a bar. Certainly if they exist they are only a part of local underground societies of vampires. Also refers to a bar or nightclub where open feeding is permitted and accepted as normal. All members of a blood-bar go through rigorous disease screening and testing. Some groups who believe in the existence of the Ageless think that blood-bars are inspired by their legendary exploits.
2. (Sanguinarius) Rumored underground vampire havens, which have a members-only and very secretive policy. They are only open to properly initiated (usually through a coven) members of the community, if then. It is said they serve stored blood and/or have willing donors who provide blood over a bar. Certainly if they exist they are only a part a of a local population's Cabal.

Blood Bond
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium ) Among Sanguinarium members, this refers to two or more people who have been tested for STDs and blood born diseases. (2a) A rite, ritual or ceremony marking a commitment to a coven or an individual. (3a) A term to reflect a vampire marriage. (4a) A formalized alliance or link between two vampires who drink each other's blood on several occasions, creating an empathic link. This bond can enable these vampires to develop each other's abilities over time. They can also be an uncomfortable burden if the two vampires cease to get along.
2 (Sanguinarius)1b.) A strong, sometimes undesired, bond or attraction which can develop in a donor towards the vampire he or she is feeding; this bond can be a mutual thing between both the vampire and his or her donor, but often is felt only by the donor.2b.) A rite, ritual or ceremony marking a commitment to a coven or an individual. It is also a term to reflect a vampiric marriage.
3. (Illuminati) The promise of love or protection made by the giving of one's blood to another.

Blood Doll
1. (White Wolf) A blood donor or one who engages in donating or blood-sports for erotic or attention seeking reasons, or as part of a fetish.
2. (Sangiunarius) Someone who gives blood in hopes of looking cool and/or who may have erotic desires fulfilled by being fed on.

Anyone who drinks blood, regardless of motivation.

A term originally created by NightPoe to describe someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, smell or taste of blood or the process of extracting it. Other sexual fetishes, including sadism and masochism can accompany bloodism or blood fetishism. Blood fetishists have no physical need to ingest blood. The blood is usually drawn during sexual or fetish play, as in BDSM situations.

Blood Fetish
The sight of, smell of or taste of blood as an object of sexual arousal.

Someone who is erotically attracted to the sight, taste or smell of blood. Other sexual fetishes, including sadism and masochism, often accompany blood-fetishism. Blood-fetishists generally have no physical need to consume blood, and will usually be happy with small amounts. The blood is usually taken during sexual or fetish play, as in a bondage or domination situation.

1. (Sanguinarium) A derogatory term for someone who experiences the physical need to consume blood. Particularly refers to a sanguine that has no control over their thirst and goes around feeding indiscriminately. Often a problem in those who Awaken with no mentor to teach the strict self-discipline necessary to function as a vampire and control the Beast. See also the Thirst and Sanguine.
2. (Sanguinairus) A derogatory term for someone who experiences the physical need to consume blood, a sanguinarian (see also "the Thirst", "sanguinarian"). Particularly refers to one who has no control over his/her thirst and goes around feeding indiscriminately.

1.The physical act of cutting or piercing the flesh in order to extract blood. This is commonly used for blood play, fetishism and feeding. Still considered a medical practice in some parts of the world. (See also "bloodplay".)

The blinding need for blood. A vampire feels bloodlust when the need is just short of the state referred to in this system as The Beast.

Similar to bloodletting, blood play is the act of using blood in sexual or fetish situations. Blood play can also refer to the integration of blood and bloodletting in ritual. This is not a safe-sex practice, so all participants should be carefully screened before being allowed to participate. (See also "bloodletting".)

Blood Rush
The feeling of strength, ecstasy, euphoria and clarity felt by a vampire after feeding. This is usually accompanied by a similar feeling in the donor called the Swoon or Rapture by the Sanguinarium, though House Eclipse uses the same term for both participants. It is thought to be brought on partially by the rush of endorphins brought on by the incision in sang vampires or the influx of energy in psivamps.

Bloodsharing partner
A more appealing term for a donor. Some donors dislike being called "donors", as they feel it somehow belittles them or their role in their vampires' lives.

Blood vamp
A short form of "blood vampire", or sanguinarian.

Blood vampires have a strong craving for blood or a vampire whose only source of energy is blood. In some theories blood vampirism is - from an evolutionary point of view - a very early stage of vampirism. At a later time of his life a vampire is able to learn a more subtle form of feeding. In contrary to this some blood vampires claim to be the only true kind of vampire, or at least the most basic and honest type.

Born (born vampire)
The tie when the need or urge to drink human blood is first recognized.

(Elenari only) As recalled from the shared past lives of real people who identify as Elenari otherkin, BrightMoon is one of the Elenari homeworlds.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium)The Cabals are a formal term for a society of true sanguine vampires with the actual vampiric condition. Cabals can include the Blood bars, Temples and other locations where vampires can be completely open about their natures. Cabals are selective in their screening process for new members and often observe a person for quite a while before approaching them. Posers, fakes, lifestylers and roleplayers are NOT welcomed here, only those who have been formally confirmed to have the vampiric condition. Often a House is the public face or Outer Circle for a Cabal. The head of a local Cabal is supposed to be an elected leader known as a Najgja. However most have never heard of such a term and simply consider this another description of a vampiric House that does not allow posers and fakes. See also Najgja, Grotto, Sanguinarium.
2. (Sanguinarius)The far-underground "shadow" community of sanguinarians in a particular geographic location. Few even believe they exist and Cabals include the Bloodbars and other unknown things. Cabals are very selective as to who even knows who is a member.

The first son of Adam and Eve, made a vampire by Lilith. Cain is the progenitor of a clan line of vampires separate from The Clan of Lilith.

An order or movement within the vampire community, which suggests that Cain was the father of vampires. This belief may strongly be influenced by Vampire: the Masquerade, which also depicts Caine as the father of vampires, although devout Cainites insist that their tradition existed first and was only borrowed by the White Wolf system. In general, the belief hinges upon the fact that Caine was the first murderer and that when God sent him out to wander in the world, and cursed him with immortality. Some Lilithian traditions link Caine with Lilith. This connection has also been accepted by White Wolf and fully explored in "Revelations of the Dark Mother." Whether this belief in Caine originated with the role-playing system or was adapted by them is nearly impossible to determine. It is true that Caine had been a dark and brooding figure in myth and fiction prior to the White Wolf system, but it is unlikely that he was ever clearly depicted as vampiric before then. Most Cainit es are said to drink blood, although they also supplement this with life-energy.

Caninus Lupus
Said by OSV to be the largest of the Therian tribes. Some consider this a tradition of vampirism, which is shamanistic/tribal in nature, while others look at it as something completely different from the vampiric condition. It is someone who chooses to expand upon the beast and relates many of his or her philosophies to the ecology of the wolf. Also seen as those who have both Shapeshifter and Vampiric natures combined.

Supposedly meaning "Quiet" or "Keeper of Secrets", It is the third OSV ordeal or initiation, in which the individual being adept in the Outer Teachings of the OSV can now become a full member of a House or Order. Also has been used to refer to a fully initiated member of a Sanguinarium household who usually has gone through the Rite of Transformation and made an Oath of Brotherhood or Sisterhood. Calmae are neither elders nor fledglings; they are those who have been properly initiated (usually through a Coven), prove themselves and mastered knowledge of the Black Veil, the Lexicon, their Beast, basic sangomancy (depending on House and Tradition) and other details of the vampiric community. They are comfortable with and have a basic understanding of their vampiric condition; many have discovered what caste they are a part of. Calmae are generally permitted to sponsor fledglings. They are also known to take on their own donors and are signified by a red stone in their si gil. There is a somewhat similar level called Isro in the Eclipsan system.

(therian comm. and otherkin comm.) A person (usually a shifter, sometimes only a person with animal medicine, occasionally a mere psychic) who can manipulate the shifting energy of others. Usually, catalysts involuntarily increase the shifting energy of anyone they are near. Occasionally, they can manipulate it at will and in finer ways, building or draining it, and thereby guiding shifters through mental shifts. Some of them can cause involuntary mental shifts in others. Catalysts are people who can make nearby therianthropes feel more or less like animals.

Introduced to the Sanguinarium by the Kheprian Order, the road system (known as castes in the Kheprian system) is customary for those who pass the third ordeal (Isro) commit to a road to focus on. The three roads include Kitra (councilors), Mradu (guardians/warriors) and Ramkht (deacons). The system of roads is supposed to be more detailed in the Scroll of Calmae, the third Scroll of Elorath in the Vampyre Grimoire. This triumvirate system is used by it's adherents to allow a balance and exchange of energy within families, virtually each road feeding from the other and strengthening the bond between members of a household. This system also used to help create a strong and organized household, with all members fulfilling their various roles within the community and contributing to the whole. Roads are not used in all households and those that do use them, not every member fits into one of these archetypes. Those who use it commonly initiate people into these roads only once they have been formally initiated into the family. Some Houses also accept and recognize lesser subdivisions and archetypes called Paths.

This word designates a vampire drawn to the occult, to service to a deity or other such being and one with the natural instinct and talent for leadership. Many such vampires learn magic, divination, ritual and other arts and often serve as both spiritual and general leaders in the vampire community. Not all Cenoquodi are leaders, as some prefer solitude, study and neutrality without the burdens and demands associated with organization. There are dangers associated with this caste and personality type, as many become dependant on the reverence and energies of thier followers, descending into cult-hood, egotism and narcissism. Still, if properly taught and possessed of enough self discipline, these vampires are great assets to their individual communities and the Community as a whole. This comes from the Enochian word for "Minister" and corresponds somewhat to the Ramkht or priest caste of the Kheprian system, though a Cenoquodi may also be a warrior, politician or healer.

Chi is the Chinese term for life-energy. It is also often referred to as pranic energy or life force. Chi is the bio-electrical energy, which runs our bodies on a subtle level. Energy vampires and many psi-vamps believe that they can manipulate chi and feed upon it to sate their hungers.It is believed by some that to a certain extent, blood vampires also feed upon chi, for a great deal of this subtle energy is believed to be concentrated into the blood. See "psychic energy".

A fledgling who is apprenticed to a "sire" and taught The Black Veil and the ins-and-outs of the Vampyre scene. Once they have learned these rules, they can be presented to the Elder of their household or Court through a ceremony of recognition. Although taken originally from the role-playing system Vampire: the Masquerade, "childe" has been integrated into the common jargon of the OSV. Most other groups refuse to use it due to it's roleplaying origin.

A small coven or branch of a House; can be related. Can also be called a Coven or Pack. Usually geographically centered and has 3-13 members. Just as a group of lions is called a pride of lions, a group of vampires is called a clutch of vampires.

One name for a vampire extended family in the Illuminatti system. Not used often due to it's roleplaying connotations.

Clan Line
A vampire's lineage in the Illuminatti system, traced through each sire or maker in the line. The clan line also includes descendants.

Classical Vampire
NightPoe uses the following description of Classical vampires on her website. It is similar to the Eclipsan description of the Ageless. Essentially in her system, a Classical is a person infected with a specific vampire retrovirus that causes sever and drastic changes in the body and mind of the one infected. Infection is only done on purpose not accidentally. Classicals are tough, extremely long lived and very remote from mundane affairs. She describes them as very mentally cold, psychic and possessing the stereotypical vampire ego. This is also a term that describes the type of vampire very similar to those known from Stoker's writings. Usually a classical vampire has been turned by an older vampire. Some theories devide them into two categories: A categorie ONE vampire has a very extended life span of more than 150 years. A categorie TWO vampire has a normal lifespan like any human. They can be read about in detail on her website.

Clinical Vampirism
A psychological condition, such as Renfield’s Syndrome, in which the afflicted person experiences a psychological urge to drink blood. This urge is often satisfied with their own blood, and sufferers of clinical vampirism typically bear slashes from razors and knives up and down their arms from where they have drawn blood from themselves. Particularly sociopath forms of clinical vampirism drive sufferers to attack and sometimes (although rarely) even kill other people in order to drink their blood. A related condition is known as SMS, or Self-Mutilation Syndrome. This newly named pathology is becoming alarmingly common in American youths. Sufferers of SMS, often known as cutters, feel the need to cut into their flesh and watch themselves bleed. Some sufferers of SMS also drink the blood drawn out this way, although this is not standard for the disease. Most sufferers of SMS are redirecting feelings of anger, frustration, inadequacy, or emotional pain onto their bodies. *See a lso SMS "Self-Mutilation Syndrome", and Renfield's Syndrome.

Coming Out of the Coffin
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Similar to the term used for Gays (except they "come out of the closet"). Coming Out of the Coffin involves being open or frank with people about being a vampire, drinking blood, feeding upon energy, etc. Those who have Come Out in this way do not hide their lifestyle at all, not even in their daily lives. Many people in the vampire scene choose to be "in the coffin" and are not public about their nature outside of the community or scene. Coming out can be quite dangerous and damaging for those whose friends and family are unprepared, and is not generally recommended.
2. (Sanguinarius) He-he...couldn't resist. This means the same thing that it means for Gays (except they come out of the closet...). Involves being open or frank with people about being a vampire, drinking blood, feeding upon energy, etc. Those who have come out in this way do not hide their lifestyle at all, not even in their daily lives. Many people in the vampiric community choose to be "in the coffin" and are not public about their lifestyle outside of the community or scene.

Communion Feeding
Often referred to simply as feeding by vampires outside OSV and House Sahjaza, this is a term coined by House Sahjaza to refer to one of many types of consensual or honorable and "karmatically balanced" feeding, ranging from pure energy draws (pranic) to emotional, to sexual (tantric and of course the most classical through blood (Sanguinarian). Communion is only used when feeding is done with ethics and on a consensual basis. It also should only be used to describe feeding from screened and tested vampires and donors. Communion is said to take place in several forms, such as unconscious, ambient, sympathetic, astral, tactile, visual, temporal and sanguine. Many vampires consider this a rude or blasphemous perversion of the word used in the Christian religion and thus will not use it.

A mundane or vampiric ally, aide, friend or supporter of a vampire who accepts their choices and life as a vampire or member of another House than theirs in the Eclipsan system. These can be lovers, donors, business partners, allies, advisers, relatives or friends. Formally termed Kithan, in the Eclipsan tradition, they are full House members if they should wish it with a vote for those who have been with the House for a while or a voice at meetings for newcomers. Companions are cherished and revered for the gift of life they give vampires and no decent vampire would ever harm or threaten a Companion. They are the supports that keep us on our feet in rough times.

Concubine/ Kitra
In the vampiric caste system, started by the Kheprian Order, Concubines are vampires whose primary function is to facilitate the work of others. Concubines, also known as Counselors, are generally paired with members of the Priestly caste. In the Concubine-Priest pair, the Concubine is the less public partner who serves as donor, advisor and magical partner. Concubines are trained to meet the greater needs of the Priestly caste as well as to offer partnership and emotional support. Ritual work is often done with the Priest leading the ritual while the Concubine serves as the center or focus of power, sometimes referred to as the altar. See also, Councilor, Kitra. On rare occasions, Concubines or Counselors can be non-vampires.

The closest thing many vampires get to marriage, as many vampires are not monogamous by nature. A consort is a Mundane or Otherkin lover (A vampiric Consort is usually termed a Co-Consort) who is many things to the vampire. Consorts are usually blood bonded to the vampire and often to their Pack or Circle as well They may vote in the vampire's absence, though this differs from bonding to bonding. Consorts usually are donors and are tested regularly. They are treated as being of the same rank as their bond mate, whether they are Mundane, Otherkin or vampiric. If the vampire rises in rank, so does the consort. If the vampire blunders, respect for the Consort is lost as well. Should the Consort behave foolishly, the vampire will suffer too. Consorts are often business partners, amateur psychologists, councilors, sparring partners, political allies or magical partners, and, of course, friends.
In the Eclipsan tradition, Consorts can be up to a foursome or on very rare occasions even more, though usually it is a pair that bonds. The relationship is not always monogamous, as long as both bond mates agree. Sometimes Co-Consorts will go out to find lovers together or enjoy BDSM activities together or as a group. Often two sets of vampires and consorts will bond together to form a Pack or Circle or even with more to form a House.
Vampires and consorts will eventually grow in different directions, and this too is accepted. A Consort may leave a vampire or vice versa as long as it is mutually agreed upon, and usually they will remain close friends. If a quarrel ensues, it is often very painful for both bond mates, and usually they will seek mediation for their difficulties. If a Consort and vampire separate, all the Consorts rank that they share with the vampire is lost, unless the Consort has gained rank on their own.

Serve a multitude of functions within the community. They are lovers and donors, counselors and confidants. In ritual, they often serve as altars, acting as the fulcrum of power between a Mradu and a Ramkht when rites are performed. Most (but not all) Kitra are submissive, offering themselves in spirit and flesh to their Mradu or Ramkht. Kitra are also often skilled donors and keep their energy in top form to feed members of their household, and often are the keepers of a household's "Golden Circle" to use the Illuminatti term. They are often very sensual people, trained in the arts of lovemaking and entertainment for the pleasure of the household, thus highly sexually charged. This road is modeled from the example temple concubines, young men and women pledged to their temples, who offered service through their flesh. These concubines were highly valued and cherished by the priests and warriors they served. On rare occasions, Concubines or Counselors can be non-vampires. S ome groups find this description demeaning and use other terms and systems for similar individuals but without the overtones of submission or outright slavery.

1. Is a chapter and gathering of the Sanguinarium, which is a geographically based cocktail party where members of various households, seekers and ronin gather for celebration, training, socialization, ritual and education. A council of elected Magisters' is usually established as the officers of the court to plan itinerary, manage the court e-list, and set the location and date.
2. A monthly social event which is much like a "town meeting" for members of the Sanguinarium in a specific geographical area. Court is usually held once a month at a local tea house,lounge or haven, and only vampires and Black Swans are welcome. This is an opportunity to socialize with others in the scene outside of havens or nightclubs. News and announcements are made, poetry is read, new households, children, Isro and Elders are introduced. Here, sanguines are generally free to escape mundane society. The host of a Court is usually a locally respected Elder or Acolyte who secures a date, time, venue and promotes the event. See also the now outdated term Moot.

1. (General) Often refers to a small group of vampires ranging from as few as three to as many as thirteen. They are often branches of a household’s family tree. * Also see clutch.
2. (OSV and Sangiunarium)Covens are groups of individuals and organizations who embellish the vampire/vampire lifestyle; who band together under a specific theme, set of ideals, traditions, common Sigil, havens, membership requirements, hierarchy and rites. Covens range in size from as few as three members to as many as hundreds. Depending on their background, size and geographic location, Covens are referred to as Clutches and Circles for smaller groups; and Legacies, Households and Clans for larger groups. Those who belong to more than one coven are known as "Kithal". Some covens have "sub covens", which refer to a branch of the family tree. The organization and purpose of each Coven varies from fraternal (House Sabretooth), religious (Temple of the Vampire), or family (Clan of Lilith). Some of the titles given to leaders of covens include Elder, High Priest, Patriarch, Matriarch or Coven Master. There are no requirements for forming a Coven other than a grou p of people getting together, choosing a sigil, name and theme. Yet, to become recognized by the scene is a challenge as a reputation, respect and name must be built and earned. Currently some of the better known Covens are: House Sabretooth, House Omallie, Maven lore, Della Noir, Blackdove, House Kheperu and Trylesta.
3. (Sangiunarius)Groups of individual vampires or vampyre lifestylers, usually but not always located within a certain geographic area, who have banded together under a specific theme, set of ideals, traditions, common Sigil, havens, membership requirements, hierarchy and/or rites. Covens range in size from as few as three members to as many as hundreds. The organization and purpose of each Coven varies from fraternal (House Sahjaza); religious (Church of the Vampire - not to be confused with the Vampire Church); or familial (Clan of Lilith). Some titles given to leaders of Covens include Elder, High Priest, Patriarch, Matriarch or Coven Master. There are no requirements for forming a Coven other than a group of people getting together, choosing a sigil, name and theme.

1. (OSV and Sangiunarium) A council of elders drawn from many different households and courts whose purpose is to help network the community, standardize language and terminology, and encourage cooperation, if not outright unification between the diverse aspects of the vampire scene. COVICA stands for Council of Vampiric International Community Affairs. Not everyone believes COVICA is a good idea, and many think that the group purposely refuses membership to certain people or groups for discriminatory or personal reasons.
2. (Sangiunarius)The now apparently defunct Council of Elders drawn from many different traditions whose purpose is to help network the community, standardize language and terminology, and encourage cooperation, if not outright unification between the diverse aspects of the Sanguinarium and vampire communities. COVICA stands for Council Of Vampyric International Community Affairs.

A member of House Quinotaur. Cousins are ranked from 1st to 9th. 9th Cousins are outer circle members and can be virtually anyone. 8th cousins and higher are open to all those with the fundamental need to exchange energy as long as they agree to follow the Veil/Black Veil/13 Rules of Community. The ranks of Cousins are:
9th Cousin:
Anyone with the fundamental need to exchange energy who officially makes themselves known to House Quinotaur. You are free to follow whatever you desire, always knowing you have a Home with us and a Family to look out for you. 
8th Cousin:
Anyone with the fundamental need to exchange energy who agrees to follow the Veil and makes themselves known to House Quinotaur. Quinotaurii of this rank and higher must believe in the possibility of the Merovingian Theory and honour the Veil. Only Quinotaurii of this rank or higher may be permanently accepted into the offline community of House Quinotaur. 
7th Cousin:
Any Quinotauri who abides by the description of 8th Cousin and can exchange energy on 2 different levels. 
6th Cousin:
Any Quinotauri who abides by the description of 8th Cousin and can exchange energy on 3 different levels. 
5th Cousin:
Any Quinotauri who abides by the description of 8th Cousin and can exchange energy on 4 different levels. 
4th Cousin:
The leader of a Territory for House Quinotaur. Cousins of this rank or better should be able to drain energy on 4 levels. Leaders of Territories are formally known as Brother/Sister but may have any title the Quinotaurii of their Territory agree upon. 
3rd Cousin:
The leader of a Realm for House Quinotaur. Also known as Aunt or Uncle. 
2nd Cousin
The leader of 1 of the 8 Dominions of House Quinotaur. Also known as Father/Mother. 
1st Cousin:
Any Quinotauri who has proven their Lineage by tracing it back to Merovech.

Cnila Bahal
This is the strong instinctive recognition most sangs feel when encountering other sangs. It does not seem present to as great a degree in psivamps. Sang vampires can feel an instinctive recognition on a primal level of each other, and with practice, even the level of the vamp so sensed. There are many theories behind this, ranging from mystical to simple pheremonal cues. This ability is present in all Sangs but must be trained and worked at for proficiency. Similar to the Beacon of OSV, and comes from the Enochain words for "The Loud Calling of the Blood".

Crimson Dance
The Strigoi Vii holiday held on Valentine's Day which reflects the romance and erotica of the vamp subculture. Also a term for the seduction of a donor, including when such is done without fully explaining what is happening to said new donor, which is highly unethical.

Crimson Swan
The OSV term for a blood donor. Also called M'kheru in the Eclipsan system.

Crystal Swan
The OSV term for a Pranic donor.

See Self-Mutilation Syndrome.

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