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Sumerian word meaning “forbidden thing”) – a banned or exiled member.

Also referred to the Enlightened Ones or the Knowing Ones, another name for Lilith's clan line in this system.

Im Kheperu
The ritual of "transformation" used by some to induct a new member into the vampire community. Im Kheperu also denotes the holy day, concurrent with the Pagan festival Samhain, when this rite is most often performed. As a festival, Im Kheperu ushers in the Dark Side of the Year, a time when our powers wax greatly and our awareness of our natures is heightened significantly.

Term commonly used to refer to or describe vampires. Though technically, it means incapable of death or dying, it is used much more loosely in reference to vampires, implying that they are not subject to aging, are impervious to disease and injury, etc., and that they are above and superior to "humans" / "mortals". Gods are immortal; vampires are not. Further, it has not been incontrovertibly proved to me that vampires do indeed experience a capability of an extended lifespan. Check with me in about 20 to 30 years, and I should be able to tell you something more definite about that.... Most vampires use this term to refer to the Ancients, Ageless or vampiric spirits.

Im Sekhemu
The double power. This also denotes the holy day, concurrent with the Pagan festival Beltane, when the last peak in power is celebrated before the coming of the Light Side of the Year. During the Im Sekhemu, which properly lasts over a span of days leading up to Beltane, everything about us is heightened to an almost excruciating degree. We feel the last song of power just before the Dark Year fades, and at the same time we experience the greatest hunger as that power heightens all of our sensations. Sekhemu can also refer to the driving sensation brought about by this peak in hunger and power.

Inner Circle
Those who have been formally initiated into a household, religious order, magical coven or other such group, including the initiates, elders and primii. Most members of this level are permitted to vote on group policy or nominate new members.

Inner Teachings
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Philosophical education beyond the Calmae ordeal of the OSV which this group does not make public and will not publish for general reading by those outside the Order. These teachings must be learned by members from thier mentors or the Order's priesthood.
2. (House Eclipse) The specific higher level teachings of any philosophical, magical or religious group that are learned upon dedicating some time and study to said group.

integrated shifter
A type of therianthrope. “Shifters whose human and animal sides are merged, so that they can think from both perspectives at once.” I’m not aware of any people who label themselves with this term. Syn. contherianthrope.

Incubus / Succubus
1. (House Eclipse)A vampire who feeds only while having sex or purely through tantric sexual energy. In Medieval folklore, a Succubus was a female demon who appeared to people, often in dreams, and seduced them. The Incubus was the male counterpart to the Succubus. Father Sinistrari, a 14th century Italian monk, wrote an entire treatise on these beings, depicting them as a separate species from humanity whose body, rather than being made of gross physical matter, was made up of subtle energies. He attributed to both Incubi and Succubi elemental essences; some had a nature allied with fire while others might have a watery or even earthy nature. Father Sinistrari went on to postulate that Incubi and Succubi could in some instances reproduce with human beings; the results of such unions were invariably attractive, proud, tall, cunningly intelligent, and strong people with a mesmerizing presence. It is implied that the children of Incubi and Succubi, although possessing a physical body, also retained some of the subtle nature of their non-human parent, and like that parent, fed upon the sexual or life energies of other humans they took as their lovers. This same Father also stated that such interbreeding exhalted the children of such a union and humanity in general, as it gave the children a direct link to the Etheric realm. In modern times, these words are used to denote vampires with a strong sex drive who often feed as a part of their sexual activity, or those who feed on sexual energy or fluids.*See also Sexual Vampire.
2. (Sanguinarius)The plural is incubi. A male sexual vampire. See "sexual vampirism". Historically, the term was used to describe a reason for the sexual dreams a person sometimes experiences, and were thought to be caused by a demonic spirit which took the form of a female in order to drain a person of his or her energy and lead the defenseless person into sexual sin while they slept.

A belief within the vampire community that the vampiric condition is brought about through a genetic inheritance or mutation. Those who espouse this belief take a very scientific view of vampirism. An example, and most likely the source, of this view is NightPoe's website. They feel that every aspect of the condition could feasibly be quantified and explained if given enough serious scientific study. Those who believe in vampiric inheritance feel that the mutation is passed along from parent to child and look upon it as something, which makes vampires distinctly different from ordinary humans. Those who believe in the inheritance theory suggest that there were "true" vampires at some point in our distant past, and that they interbred with humanity. With this paradigm, however, it can be deduced that as the line gets more and more watered down, the characteristics of vampirism. will become weaker and weaker until they are lost altogether. It could also be argued by these pe ople that with selective breeding, the original vampiric characteristics could be brought back into our kind and strengthened over time. It is possible that Inheritors feed upon blood, life-energy, or both.

Inheritor Vampire
Inheritors are divided into two classes in Nightpoe's writings. Class 1 comprises the true Inheritors. For, although they are born into their lifestyle, just as are Category 2 Inheritors, they are different in several ways. They do not age in the conventional sense, often living hundreds of years. They heal much more quickly than do nonvampires. They can be killed but it takes quite a lot to accomplish it, as they regenerate some organs, teeth, fangs, and nerves. I am not sure if bones are regenerated. I think perhaps so, but do not know this as a certain fact. Class 1's can go about by day as well, better than the other categories, because they usually are born into a very human state and gradually become aware of the Vampiric growth and changes in their bodies as they age and enter puberty. Thus, often feeling different as they grow into the teen years. They also can eat regular foods and beverages. They DO feed for nourishment.
As with many, but not all real Vampires, Class 1's do tend to avoid humans. Some do make good and lasting human friendships though. The Class 1 is what is considered the immortal or Ageless Vampire, as are the Classicals, but they can die. They just do not do so as often or as quickly. Regarding feeding: Most Class 1 Inheritors disdain 'dead' blood which is frozen or animal blood such as in a steak or piece of liver. They almost always prefer live blood directly from a living source.As with most real Vampires, they lead secretive and secluded lives, making it difficult for humans to get any closer emotionally than the Vampire chooses to permit. As with ALL Vampires they can disappear for long stretches of time. Identities are changed more often than clothes.They have a different relationship to, and perception of, time, which is vastly different from most human perceptions.
They can become ill, but do so far less often as their recuperative processes are faster and stronger. In mental ability all Inheritors can be, and often are, highly psychic and/or empathic -- as are Classicals. They can do all the things Classicals can do. Perhaps it is they, the Inheritors, about whom the legends are truly speaking. Included in Category 1, is a lesser-known subspecies called Lunas. In some cases of European myth, Lunas have been mistaken for werewolves. The Luna is sexual, sensual, earthy, and a bit larger than Category 1’s on the whole. Lunas do have some sexual experience with humans, but not often. In all other aspects Lunas are much like Category 1's.
The second major variety in the Inheritor Class is Class 2. In Class 2, or Category 2, we have the Inheritor, who was born into his/her lifestyle. 'To Inherit' is meant to convey a person who was born into the lifestyle and inherited the characteristics, traits, and the infection from someone in his family. However, not necessarily the parents. If, at anytime, anyone born into the family carried the altered Vampiric DNA and accompanying genes, then anyone else born into the family at a later date could inherit those genes and qualities. Category 2 is the human Inheritor, someone born of a purely human parentage (i.e., both parents being totally human) into a genetic Vampiric lifestyle, meaning that they are not immortal, or eternal. But in all, or most, other aspects they are Vampiric. They suffer from the same problems as Classicals, the same feeding styles, the same methods of feeding and the consuming of blood for nourishment.
Category 2, Night-timers, age much more slowly but do not live the very long life spans of Classicals or Inheritors Class 1. In all aspects, Category 2's are Vampiric. All the forms of vampires can and do go out in light and sun. But Category 2 Inheritors, as with Classicals, tend to feel weak, sick, tired and ill during the day. The skin is also affected, as Category 2's can get heat stroke, internal body fluids evaporate quickly, they pass out, etc. The skin also blisters and burns very quickly even if they are not fair complexioned. They also feed on fresh and frozen blood, have donor feeding partners and sources, etc.
The only real differences are that they are considered human by the medical community, are not immortal, heal more rapidly than humans -- but not as rapidly as Classicals or Inheritors Category 1. They can and do die. The average life span of a Nighttimer is usually between 200 and 300 years.

Someone who has been formally initiated as a full member of a household. This person is now considered a Isro, using the formal terminology. This usually happens in the OSV after the Rite of Transformation, where the individual has been attuned to the family's energy cycles. In other Houses and systems, this is when a new vampire chooses to be formally inducted into a House or other group.

Those members of a specific portion or the overall community who, having been ostracized and stripped of their name, are treated as if they no longer existed by thier old comrades and friends. Invisibles have committed some great crime in the eyes of some members of the community, and for this they are no longer allowed to associate themselves with the rest of that part of vampire culture. *See also Excommunicated, Ravass Bhavatan, Faboan and Sin Nomine.

A fledgling vampire who has begun to develop as an individual member of the community. Isro take on some duties and learn vampiric culture from the viewpoint of several Houses before sticking with a particular tradition. The term is used because the vampire is seen as "testing their wings" so to speak in preparation for being totally on their own. At this stage, a vampire may begin seeking their own donors, but the Mentor is still involved in their life and teaching the vampire actively. The Isro will probably begin making friends and alliances at this point and choose a Road or Path to specialize in. Often their Mentor will leave the to their own devices for periods of time to begin forming their own Bonds and Circles. This is comparable to puberty for a vampire and is roughly equivalent to the OSV rank of Calmae. The word is the Enochian term meaning "promise".

the Hebrew name of an angel related to feeding or nourishment, interchangeably used with “angel” to describe a donor. Variants used to describe types of donors include Isda Sanguinus (IS), Isda Chi (IC), Isda Eros (IE), Isda Varium (IV).

A "seeker" who has not dedicated to a household but agrees with their philosophy and is interested in dedicating to the family. Also an ally of any kind who gets along with a House and is welcome in Havens, but is not a formal member. Later called the first Ordeal of the OSV, in which an individual who has chosen to become a member of this group has learned the basic precepts of the Order's philosophy. Also is used to refer to those who complete this Ordeal.

The highest ranking in the Eclipsan system. A Jaidah has been a vampire for at least five years, is well respected in the community, makes contributions to their House or Order and often takes a guiding, advising or organizational position. Jaidah are usually the ones to teach and mentor Apprentices and Fledglings and help newly Awakened vampires learn about, deal with and come to terms with their condition. In this role they are called Pibliar or mentors. Jaidah are expected to be polite, composed and controlled in public and not to engage in drama and creation of strife. Jaidah are also expected to treat those around them, both Mundane and vampiric with respect, compassion and dignity and to comport themselves with the same. Jaidah usually feel compelled to make contributions to the community of some kind, whether in terms of resources, time, writing or otherwise is up to the individual. Jaidah have usually by this rank established a strong and vital system of allian ces, Bonds and are usually leaders or strong members of their Pack or Circle. Jaidah and Elders, which are often synonymous are the only ones who, by vote, can raise a Tabaan to Jaidah rank, though this can also be disputed by any member of the House. Often Elders retire from the endless politics of vampiric society and culture and have trusted and Bonded Master allies and friends who keep them informed or ask for their aid if difficulty arises.
The rank of Jaidah is a high honor and only half those who make it to Tabaan level ever seek to become Jaidah. This is roughly equivalent to the OSV rank of Dominus and is the Enochian word for "highest" referring to rank.

Domain of eternity, also referred to by OSV as the council of spiritual beings that presides over a city. In Sanguinarium terminology, a Jhatyet (badly anglicized version of an Egyptian word) is a council of elders. These are the most supposedly "benevolent" and "spiritually advanced" individuals who guide and watch over a given community. In reality, they are the most powerful Elders in a community who for good or ill work together to help run and organize the House or Coven *See also COVICA.

1. A Strigoi Vii term for a slave in a BDSM format. In the OSV, this sort of agreement is called a Korval Pakt and the Dominant is known as a Raja. In other systems, an apprentice or thrall. A vampire who wishes to swear service to another in return for protection/teaching/etc. See also Adna, a somewhat similar term in the Eclipsan system for a vampire who chooses to be an ally of a community or House leader but still retains all thier rights and voices seperate opinions. They act as a check on the egos of vampires in positions of leadership.
2. Kajira is the term for female slave or "slave-girl" in the Gorean community. The word is usually seen in the feminine form "kajira" (pl. "kajirae"), as most slaves in the Gorean lifestyle are female; the masculine forms are "kajirus" and "kajiri". The construction "kajiras" is incorrect, but is occasionally seen in third-party writing. 
Gorean Kajira are branded, which means they are marked with certain symbols burned or tattooed into the flesh upon being enslaved. One symbol, The kef, is usually about an inch and a half in height, and a half inch in width. A rather simple, delicate, graceful, almost floral mark, in cursive script. Appearing slender, more vertical, more like a stem with floral, cursive curled loops. A rather severe, straight line staff, with two, upturned, frondlike curls, adjacent to it, joined where they touch the staff on its right. It bears a distant, remote resemblance to the printed letter K."

A bloodthirsty Indian Goddess who has been chosen by some to be a goddess of vampirism. Kali is depicted as a dark-skinned woman with a blood-red pointed tongue and elongated fangs. She typically wears a necklace of severed heads and a skirt of severed arms and little else. She revels in carnage and is widely believed to drink blood; her statues are venerated with libations of fresh blood. She is a personification of lust and fecundity as well as death and destruction. TO those who understand her, all her physically imposing symbols are simply meant to frighten off evil spirits and make her followers understand the cycles of life and death. Her weapons are for cutting through obstacles and slicing away negative thoughts and feelings. Like all Hindu deities, her appearance is very deeply symbolic. Her consort is the god Shiva, an equally complex deity associated with destruction as well as regeneration. Most vampires who look to Kali as their goddess, like her, drink human blood.

(Elenari only) A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin.

a Sumerian word meaning “friend” or “ally”. This word is used to represent shinai who are friendly to Vampyres, synonym “black swan”

Keeper of the Scrolls
The Second Age Term for a secretary of a household or court. They are responsible for keeping the documents, historical records, bylaws and lists of members. In the First Age of these groups, this job was known as a Lore Master.

Keeper of the Veil
An individual within a household, Order or court who is responsible for "enforcing" the Black Veil or other set of House or Order laws among it's members and the security of the community. Most often this roll is filled by a Mradu and is a member of a triumvirate such as Magister (courts) or Primii (households). Also the head warrior and guardian of a community who trains apprentices in physical and spiritual combat.

According to some otherkin who identify as elves, the Kella are a race of elves.

A priest of the Strigoi vii tradition of vampirism. Inaccurately used to describe other vampiric priests, but should be applied only to those of Ordo Strigoi Vill.

This is the word in the Eclipsan system to refer to the darker instincts of a vampire that are called by others the "Beast, the Dragon or the Darkside". Khaibit is an Ancient Egyptian term for the part of the soul that was darker and more primitive or possessed by evil or destructive urges. The literal translation is "Shadow Self" or "Shadow Mind". While the Khaibit was often dark or selfish or even destructive, both the Ancient Egyptians and the Eclipsans believe it is an integral part of the self. It is inseparable from our higher aspirations and day-to-day mind. It also does good things, such as contributing power to us if we are cornered or threatened and enhancing the charisma of a vampire when seeking lovers and donors.

This word is interpreted by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu to mean birth, rebirth, metamorphosis, becoming, awakening, transforming, changing and changing into something new. This is similar to the use of the word in the language of the Ancient Egyptians. It is used by this and other groups as a multilayered word of power that is derived from the name of the beetle (scarab) headed sun deity of the Ancient Egyptians. They associated this sun god with moving the sun across the sky after observing the dung-collecting scarab beetle rolling balls of dung containing thier eggs across the sands. A similar word with the same root is used by the Temple of Set and spelled "Xeper".

Kheprian Order
A particular order/tradition of vampire Scholar-Monks who have made it their duty to compile information on the vampire community and make this freely available to all. They believe that they ahve reincarnated over many lifetimes to be together and claim to remeber these past incarnations.

An order or tradition within the vampire community that traces the origin of the vampire back to Biblical or pre-Biblical times. A very secret brotherhood, the Khlysty are predominant on the West Coast of America and may possibly have beliefs related to the Biblical figure of Caine. Khlysty keep their natures very closeted and are highly derisive of posers and life stylers, who they refer to as "kids in capes". Many are blood-drinkers, and they incorporate blood into their ritual magic. They have existed since before the modern vampire community was widespread and have much to teach. Their beliefs can be most directly traced to Gnosticism.

Otherkin. An abbreviation of “otherkin.” (Usage note: please make sure that the apostrophe is really an apostrophe. Word processing software often misinterprets the user’s intended leading apostrophe as a single opening quotation mark instead.)

Suffix used with the name of a species of animal or other kind of creature to indicate what type of otherkin a person is. For example, a person who is a dragon otherkin may also call himself a dragon-kin. Compare –heart, –soul.

The state of feeling emotionally moved, in relation to one’s otherkin identity. This could include yearning for your otherkin “Home,” nostalgia for your past life, or feeling more like your otherkin side. It’s common on Tumblr for otherkin to make remarks such as “This story gives me kinfeels” or “I’m having a lot of kinfeels today.” This word comes from a non-otherkin slang
word common on Tumblr, “feels,” used as a noun to mean a state of feeling emotionally moved,
particularly in response to creative media: for example, “This song gives me so much feels.”
Compare mental shift, Yearning.

Kiss, The
1. (Illuminatti) The bite, nibble or munch of a vampire.
2. (OSV and Sanguinarium) A formal term for a committed donor. In some covens, Kitra is a formal term for the Concubine caste and also functions as the concubines. They are the eyes and ears of the coven, advisors, donors, love slaves and magical altars. Not all Kitra need be vampires, and many feed off sexual energy to some extent, but Kitra are usually vampires in their own right, of whatever type.(2a) The act of taking blood, energy or sexual fluids from a donor.

An archaic term for a good friend used in the Illuminatti system.

Someone who has been initiated into more than one household in the OSV system.

A formal, ritual and/or respectful and polite term and address for a Companion, a member of a House who is a Mundane or non vampire. Also used to specify those who are friends and allies of a vampire and are mundane and support and acknowledge the vampire's right to believe and live as they choose. Roughly equivalent to the OSV "Black Swan".

A term for a councilor in the roads and caste system introduced and used by House Kheperu. See councilor.

This is a formal term in the OSV system for latent vampirism; sometimes or never manifests, depending on environment and circumstances. See Latent Vampirism.

konteriantropiya (Контериантропия)
(Russian language only) Russian transliteration of “contherianthropy,”

Korvan Pakt
Readers will note that this word seems to have two spellings, Korval and Korvan. I am not sure which is correct, as both are included in "V" at seperate points. I can only attribute this to another text or spelling error. In the OSV system, this is referred to as a relationship similar or identical to a Dominant and Submissive relationship within the BDSM subculture. It involves the Dominant partner, who is referred to as the Raja in this system making a "pakt" (pact) or agreement of supposed "ownership" and collaring a Submissive, who is referred to as a Kijara to symbolize and demonstrate the aforementioned relationship. The limits and details of such an agreement or "pakt" are written into a contract along with a renewal and/or expiration date. According to the OSV this was based on the GOR novels and their system of absolute slavery of women, though this version is claimed to be non sex specific. This system will seem distasteful to many, and plenty of other options exist for those interested in a less extreme or group specific Dominance and Submission relationship.

1. (Illuminatti) The greek word for a female vampire, used in the Illuminatti system. The plural form of the word is Lamiai.
2. (OSV and Sanguinarium)A Greek vampire with deformed lower limbs that feed upon the blood of children and young men. Supposedly used to refer to a female vampire who practices magic.

Latent Vampire
Someone who is already naturally a vampire, but whose vampiric tendencies have not yet fully manifested. Apparently, some latent vampires may need to be "turned" or "awakened", while others may have their tendencies naturally surface over the course of time. Many latent vampires seem to stand out to other, already established, vampires through a phenomenon known as the "Beacon" or Cnila Bahal (bloodcall). *See also Awakening, Ananiel, Beacon, Potential, Turned.

See Energy Rapist

See Energy Rape.

The bloodline of a particular vampire or the Ancient they trace their spiritual or physical descent from.

The Hebrew name for the angel of the night – used to describe a Donor who is also Kindred or Vampyre. Synonym “kitra”. Variants used to describe types of vampyric donors include Leliel Sanguinus (LS), Leliel Chi (LC), Leliel Eros (LE), Leliel Varium (LV).

Life's end
Death. Lilith's clan is forbidden to cause life's end in vampires, mundanes or Otherkin in the Illuminatti system.

Another term for blood used exclusively by the Illuminatti system. It is also called food, life or life essence.

The first wife of Adam. She is charged with gathering and preserving knowledge. Lilith was given vampire powers by the Divine according to the Illuminatti oral tradition.

Lillitu/ Lilian/ Lilin
Also the Children of Lilith. This is an order or movement within the vampire community, which promotes the idea that Lilith was the spiritual forebear of vampires. The Lillitu cite the Hebraic tradition that depicts Lilith as Adam’s first wife who was cast from the Garden for refusing to submit to Adam. According to the folklore, which surrounds her, God cursed her with a thirst for blood, and she went forth and started a line of demonic children. Lilith and her heirs were believed by the Israelites to feed upon infants and young men, drinking their life and their blood. Lilith was probably borrowed by the Israelites from Babylonian lore, where she appears as a wild woman who haunts waste places. She is traditionally depicted naked, with long flowing hair, wings and the talons of a bird of prey in place of feet. As the Lady of Beasts, she is often accompanied by wild animals, usually lions or owls. The male counter-part of Lilith is the vampiric man-bird Gelal, who makes an a ppearance in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Many Lilin are visited by Lilith in dreams or visions, or are guided by her in other ways. Many of the Lillin drink blood and also incorporate blood into their ritual.

(Elenari only) A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin. Also Li’star’i.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) The term used by this group during their "first age" to describe the Keepers of the Scroll.
2. (House Eclipse)A respectful and reverent term to refer to a teacher, wise man or woman, scholar, librarian or other collector of knowledge. In the Eclipsan system they are treated with respect and reverence and Eclipsans will often go out of their way to help these guardians of knowledge.

Long Night, The
This is the name for a festival celebrated on the Winter Solstice. This night is the this night is the longest night of the year, and many households and covens gather together to celebrate the longest night. This is a festival of community where everyone relaxes and socializes. It is also the traditional night to recognize new members of the community or to perform rites of passage, such as raising someone from Isro to Elder. Meetings of an entire House often take place on this day.

Lonshi Cnila'
A formal or ritual term in Enochian for a sanguinary vampire in the Eclipsan system. The direct translation is "A Cup or Vessel of Blood".

Lonshi Talhon
A polite or ritual term for a psi vamp in the Eclipsan system. Comes from the Enochian words meaning "Cup or Vessel of Energy". Used by those who feel psi vamp or pranic is inaccurate, misleading, group specific to the OSV or derogatory.

Low, Lowed, Lowing
Archaic term for the speech of animals that is understood by mundanes, vampires or Otherkin in the Illuminatti system.

lucid dream shift
A dream shift which can also happen within a “lucid dream” state. A lucid dream takes place during normal sleep, and within the dream, the dreamer realizes that she is dreaming. Once attaining that kind of awareness, she can do whatever she wants within her dream, including shifting. A lucid dream shift differs from a non-lucid dream shift in that a lucid dream shift is more likely an intentional act.

1. (folklore and legend) A werewolf, that is, a human said to be able to physically become a wolf. The word “lycanthrope” originated in ancient Greece, described by the physician Galen as a physical and mental illness, rather than a real transformation of a human into an animal.
Skeptic Reginald Scot’s anti-witch-hunting book, The Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584), brought the word “lycanthrope” into English. Syn. werewolf.
2. (psychology) Clinical lycanthrope.
3. (therian comm., deprecated) In the 1990s and early 2000s, the therianthrope community in AHWW sometimes call themselves lycanthropes. At first, they thought “lycanthrope” was a good word for people who identify as wolves or other animals in a non-physical way. They soon saw reasons not to call themselves lycanthropes. First, the word “lycanthrope” had been used in psychology for a mental syndrome. The community wanted to emphasize their sanity, so they avoided “lycanthrope,” seeing it as an offensive word. Second, “lycanthrope” means a wolf person, and they wanted a term that could include other kinds of animal people. The community adopted other words for themselves instead, calling themselves “Weres, “therianthropes,” or “shifters,” which see. During 2000 and 2002, they debated which word suited them most accurately. 

The condition of being a lycanthrope.

Made Vampire
The moment when a born person consumes the blood of a vampire (his or her sire) and Awakens as or becomes a vampire themselves in the Illuminatti system.

The host of a vampire gathering or owner of a haven in the OSV system.

A term for a second-degree priest of the Sanguinarium Synod, used in this way only in this system. Also a word used for someone who has achieved at least some proficiency at the practices and rituals of sangomancy. In other traditions, a practitioner of any type of magic.

magical shift
Any type of transformation aided by “magical” practices. Such practices could include a formal magical ritual or ceremony, or use of magical tools such as an animal skin or drug-salve. Some of these magical shifting methods were “confessed” during witch-trials in the medieval ages up to the seventeenth century. I don’t currently know of any public writings in which real modern therianthropes tell of their personal experiences with magically-aided shifting, or calling it a “magical shift.” The term “magical shift” seems uncommonly used, if at all, outside of the AHWW FAQ and Greene. Spelling variant: magickal shift. Compare invocation, skin-walk.

A general term in the OSV system for an officer of a Strigoi Vii court's triumvirate which traditionally includes the Master of Ceremonies, Keeper of the Veil and Keeper of the Scroll. Also used as a respectful title for any House elder.

The parent vampire or the person whose blood has made another vampire in the Illuminatti system. A maker is also known as a sire or progenitor.

The Eclipsan term for a vampire who practices magic, specifically vampiric magic either as a sanguine using blood magics or a psivamp using psionics and energy magics. This term can apply to anywhere from a beginner to a highly respected practitioner who has been studying for decades. The term comes from the Enochian word meaning, "Fires of Life and Increase" to show how these systems are centered around the life essence in the form of blood or energy all vampires need. Comparable to the OSV word Nomaj.

The Scandinavian word for a female vampire used in the Illuminatti system.

A newly ordained priest of the Synod, also known as an Acolyte. Used only in the OSV, like all terms associated with the "Synod".

A term used by the OSV to refer to the female leader of one of their Households or Orders. Not used by anyone else.

Mental shift
During a mental shift, a therianthrope’s way of thinking temporarily changes to resemble that of her animal side more than her human side. Her human body stays physically unchanged. Some people use the term “mental shift” for any kind of non-physical shift, or as a category that includes several types of non-physical shifts. Sensations during a mental shift sometimes include phantom limb sensations (see also: phantom shift) and heightened, animal-like senses (see also: sense shift). A mental shift can sometimes happen unintentionally, or the shifter can sometimes cause it intentionally, or suppress it. Mental shifts can happen with any emotional state: peacefully calm or excited, playful or fearful, or anything else.156 A mental shift can be mild or intense. During a mental shift, a shifter may sometimes feel urges, such as a need to express animal behavior and vocalizations,158 or to react in an animal-like way.159 These aren’t deliberate attempts to imitate an animal. Abbrev. MS,161 m-shift.162

1. (Sanguinarius)A guide and teacher to a new or inexperienced vampire (called a Nadja in the OSV system or an Apprentice, fledgeling or Gevanma in others); the one who helped him or her through the awakening. (See also "sire", or Adra)
2. (House Eclipse) A guide and teacher to a fledgling. This term is sometimes used to refer to one’s Adra or Sire, one who helped another through the awakening. Mentors are in many Houses seen as possessing a sacred and powerful bond with their Apprentices and Fledglings. For a Mentor to mistreat or abuse anyone they teach usually causes them to immediately be expelled from the House as a Nameless One. This is extremely rare, as the empathic bond between a Mentor and Apprentice or Fledgeling runs both ways. The formal term in the Eclipsan systyem is Pibliar.

Otherkin phantom limbs. Otherkin on Tumblr came up with this alternative word for their phantom limbs due to their concerns that the term “phantom limb” might be appropriative of the experiences of people who are disabled, and concerns that the phantom limbs of otherkin might differ from the phenomenon normally called phantom limbs. Syn. otherlimbs.

A respectful and reverent title and word for a donor of any type. This implies willing consent and partnership only and is also meant to demonstrate how much vampires need them to survive and remain happy. Many M'kheru are lovers and friends that their vampire is deeply devoted to or caring for. The word comes from the Ancient Egyptian term meaning "Gift of Sustenance" and is comparable to the OSV terms, "Amber Swan", "Crystal Swan" and "Red Swan".

An OSV word for a formal or informal vampire gathering, taken from a word from a role playing game, "Werewolf the Apocalypse" by White Wolf. A formal term for a Mradu that is no longer used at all outside vocabulary lists.

A formal or ritual term for an elder in the OSV system. Very rarely used outside of formal letters and rituals, or those trying to earn favor with an especially arrogant Elder.

Term used for the purpose of distinguishing those who are not vampires. The term is, at best, misleading because it implies that vampires are Immortal. The more proper and recommended term is Mundane. Occasionally used as an insulting term for mundanes as well. (See "mundane")

The word in the OSV and Kheprian system to designate an "elder" of a traditional Sanguinarium household and usually has the power to form their own clutch or local coven of a House and sponsor members of an outer circle. Within the Kheprian system Mor-roi are 2nd degree members of the inner circle. Mor-Roi may break away from their parent group and create local covens. This term originally comes form the Romanian term for a living or partial vampire, so it's appropriateness is questionable. The Eclipsan equivalent is Tabaan.

A formal term for a member of the guardian/warrior caste in the system created by House Kheperu. Also used as a respectful title for the same. Within the OSV and Kheprian caste system, they are protectors, guardians and warriors of these community segments. It is considered by those using the caste system to be the duty of the Mradu caste to safeguard those in the community, seeing that members are not harmed by threats within the Houses, Orders and Covens of the community (usually due to tiffs and squabbles between over-egotistical vampiric "leaders") or from those outside it. Most members of the Priest or Ramkht caste like to have at least one Mradu who is especially trustworthy as a companion and guard. The Mradu are often used to enforce a House or Order's rules within it's members and enforce the authority of those in command of such groups so their will and decisions are not questioned. In ritual work by these groups, they are used to generate energy and maintain t he protective circle.
In other groups, Mradu serve some similar functions, such as protection and body-guarding, as well as contributing to a House through the discipline of the study of martial arts. However, these groups do not feel the need to "enforce" anything and instead use the Mradu as grounds and reality checks for the often flamboyant egos of the Ramkht and Kitra. Not that a Mradu is not capable of an ego, but they are less likely to get caught up in the hubris of acting as a leader, since they rarely take such a position. In the Eclipsan system, Mradu are often Adna to an Elder or other leader. A new term used by House Eclipse is Amakhi.

Abbreviation for mental shift.

Abbreviation for mental shift. This term is very commonly used throughout the therianthrope community. 

(Portuguese language only) Portuguese for “shift,” used in the Portuguese speaking therian community to call shape-shifting.

The Mexican word for a male vampire, used in the Illuminatti system.

A person who identifies as more than one kind of creature. I’ve only noticed one person call themself by this term.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Term used to distinguish those who are regular people who are not vampires and who have no understanding of our culture. Many groups use "danes" for short. This term came from the Renaissance Fairs that many vampires frequent and is also largely in use by the SCA. 2. (Sanguinairus) A term used to distinguish those who are not vampires from those who are. This is, I feel, more accurate that "mortal" or "human", and serves to distinguish those who are merely living normal, mundane lives and unencumbered with the life of a vampire.

The OSV formal title for an Apprentice or Gevanma who is being taught the traditions of a specific House or Order, such as the OSV or Kheperian groups. They are taught by a mentor known in this system as an Adra, and in others simply as a mentor or a Pibliar.

The head and leader of a Cabal from the old Sanguinarium system, they are also known as the Gatekeeper, and are responsible for screening new members of a local Cabal. This term seems to have been made up like so many associated by the Sanguinarium. See also Cabal.

Need, The
1. (Illuminatti) The biological urge or craving to drink human blood.
2. (Sanguinarius) The need to feed. When experiencing the Hunger, one is said, "To be in Need." Very strong feelings of the Hunger are referred to as "Deep Need". (See also "feeding", the "hunger", the "thirst")

A rather widespread belief within the vampiric community, which asserts that vampires are the descendants of the Nephilim. The Nephilim are demi-human beings that were sired by angels, as related in Enoch I, a book that was dropped from the Bible in the early stages of its canonization. Some Nephilists believe that the vampiric condition is genetically traceable to these otherworldly fathers. Others are content to suggest that the Nephilim simply represent a higher kind of being which came down and intermingled with humanity. As far as the beliefs of the second order of Nephilists are concerned, vampires experience their condition because they are more spiritual than most beings, with a higher "vibration" or "frequency" to their spirit which somehow burns their bodies out quicker and makes it necessary to feed. Some Nephilists feed upon blood, while many others feed primarily upon life-energy. Most seem to incorporate blood into their magic and ritual.

The spiritual and magical side of the Twilight balance, used Exclusively by those following the philosophies of the OSV and related groups. The vampiric instincts, gifts, urges and training of a vampire.

Night-timer is a title given to a race of beings who are actually also Inheritors. Although, they are distinguished by the term Category 2. They are also, a Born or Inheritor Vampire, and very similar to Class 1 Inheritors. Night-timers are affected and infected by a much weaker strain of what’s come to be known as the V5 virus.
Night-timers normally Live Much Longer than humans: They outwardly age more slowly and stay younger looking in appearance much longer. The average live span of a Night-timer is 200 to 300 years. They look about 80 to 90 at age 300. On the whole, nowhere near as long as the average Classical or Class 1 Inheritor Vampire. They may be killed by most of the normal ways of killing humans, but not as easily. Usually, they tend to be much more psychic than the average human and, most often are just as psychic as the most skilled Vampire. If healthy, they average three to five times as strong as their counterpart human, but much less powerful than a Vampire at the same stage of life at any given point. Night-timers Have Extreme Sensitivity To Light, Heat And Sun: As their Vampire counterparts suffer, so do Night-timers. They are also prone to eye problems and digestive maladies.
As their Classical and Inheritor counterparts, Night-timers consume blood as nourishment, in varying amounts. If they do not do so on some sort of regular basis, they become very weak and prone to illness. Like other Vampires, Night-timers can eat and drink as well as consume blood. Unlike Inheritor Vampires, who tend to heal faster and regenerate to a greater extent, Night-timers do not regenerate organs, but are more like humans in this respect. It was once said that Night-timers inherited the worst of both species. The ailments and other characteristics of both human and vampire without the strength, regenerative abilities, health, or long life of the Vampire. Actually, there are two forms of Night-timer. The ones who more strongly resembles Inheritor vampires in their attributes, (they heal faster, are physically stronger, and tend to be more arrogant) and those who more strongly favor humans. That which causes these differences is believed to be the original strength of the infecting virus.
Night-timers never get much respect from the Classical or Inheritor communities. Most vampires consider Night-timers to be half-breeds or even think of them as human. Humans think of Night-timers as vampires and insist on calling them vampire. Most vampires, especially Bornes, refuse to recognize Night-timers as vampires, even though Night--timers are born the same way. Usually from human parents or skipping generations and resembling ancestors such as Aunts, Uncles, cousins, etc. Night-timers choose to call themselves Night-timers to help differentiate themselves from true Bornes. Unlike Class 1 Inheritors we are not sterile, but we die, and it is difficult for Night-timers to get pregnant. Many first pregnancies are lost, or the children die very young.

A vampire mystic, astrologer or user of sangomancy in the OSV system. Updated by the OSV to describe someone who has mastered the Nine Pillars of their system of Sangomancy, which is an Inner Teaching of this Order taught by one of their Synod Priesthood.

Normal Folk
(primarily but not limited to the Silver Elves) The Silver Elves often use this term in their writing to refer to outsiders who have no conception of magic as real, and who strive to conform more than to express themselves. The Silver Elves argue that this term is not pejorative because “that is what they call themselves. We have heard them say thousands of times ‘I’m so glad I’m normal’ … normals want to be normal. Who are we to deny them that aspiration or call them other than what they choose to call themselves.” Also Normals. Compare mundane.

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