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Dæmian [diː’miːən, deː’miːən]
A real person who chooses to often picture in their imagination (visualize) a part of their own personality as an animal-shaped entity, an entity which they call a “dæmon” and “talking” (in silent thought) with this dæmon. Dæmians believe that this philosophical practice is a way to grow in self-understanding. Variant spelling: daemian. Contrast animal person, therianthrope, totemist.

1. [diː’mən] In Classical Greek and Roman mythology, a class of entities between Olympian gods
and humans in rank. These include nature spirits, personifications of concepts (such as love and death), and people’s inner voices that tell them right and wrong (their eudemon and cacodemon, respectively). The eudemon was said to whisper good advice into a person’s right ear. We might call it the intuition. Classical art showed dæmons as humans with wings like birds. Later Christian pictures of angels were based on these. Also daimon, daemon, demon. Compare demon, deva, guardian spirit.
2. Based on the dæmons of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials fantasy series, which he in turn based on the Classical concept of the eudemon (described above). According to The Dæmon Page, “A personified version of the second half of someone’s mental dialogue, usually mentally represented in an animal form. Usually has a name, gender and personality; usually the dæmon’s personality is at least somewhat different from that of the person.”
Real people who imagine that they have dæmons call themselves dæmians, which see.
Variant spelling: daemon. Compare animal side, animal spirit, guardian spirit, totem.

“The practice of speaking to a dæmon,” which see. Variant spelling: daemonism. Syn. dæmonology. dæmonology.
Again, the practice of speaking to a dæmon, which see. Some dæmians like this word better because of “its connotation of study and knowledge rather than religion." Variant spelling: daemonology.

 (Elenari only) A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin.

1. (Classical mythology) Dæmon, which see.
2. According to The Dæmon Page, “Another word for ‘dæmon.’ Taken from the Greek spelling and sometimes used by members wishing to differentiate it from the word ‘demon.’ Also used as the spelling of ‘dæmon’ in some translations of His Dark Materials [Pullman’s fantasy novel series].”

The material side of the twilight balance; IE: paying taxes or rent, going to work, birth family, etc. Also any mundane issues that prevent one from attending vampiric events or shape one's behavior and appearance.

(Portuguese language only) A person who is Awakening, currently discovering his/her animal side, or discovering the therian community.

(Portuguese language only) Awakening. An event in which a person discovers his/her animal side.

(Portuguese language only) A therianthrope who is currently aware of his/her animal side and the therianthrope community.

(Elenari only) A philosophical concept from Elenari culture. “A term in one specific remembered-language (Elenari) which means ‘On one’s (karmic) path.’ Used as a blessing.

A next generation vampire or the child by blood of a vampire.

Dhampyri/Born vampires
These vampires are born with the vampiric condition active or Awaken before puberty, and grow up completely knowing they are "different". This condition is extremely rare and many end up being solitaries, if not raised by parents who are vampires.

A fake vampire of any type. These range from teenagers on computers seeking recognition and respect without earning it by using fake titles and claiming grandiose things to roleplayers so wrapped up in their artificial personalities that they try to forget their real life. None are true vampires though some may choose to dress like the foolish Hollywood stereotype or even wear fake fangs and convince others they are vampires. Usually these people are lonely, pathetic individuals with no social interaction outside these lies. The Eclipsan system considers such people fools at best and at worst dangerously off center individuals who need psychological counseling. This is comparable to the OSV term of "Gaja" though we do NOT believe in even talking to these individuals, much less allowing them into vampiric groups and events.

Dominance, the
The Dominance of Dragons. A nickname for

A "high elder" and often the leaders or most senior members of a household in the Sanguinarium system. Among the dominus are the high priests (Azra is used in the text though it is mentioned only in passing elsewhere) and primus (founders) of the family. In the Kheprian system dominus are 3rd degree. Dominus often lead covens, organize Houses and watch over Havens. A similar but not identical term is the Eclipsan Vran.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Someone who shares his or her blood or life energy, without obligation. Many donors enter into partnerships with vampires. These partnerships are often also sexual in nature, although they do not have to be. Many donors prefer to be monogamous, offering themselves to just one vampire at a time. Some donors will offer themselves to entire covens, provided their offerings are appreciated and not abused. Donors are cherished and protected by responsible vampires and are often given gifts in return for their services. They are honored affiliates of a House or coven. See also Source.
2. (Sanguinarius) Someone who gives or shares their blood or life-energy, without obligation. Many donors prefer to offer themselves to just one vampire, but some donors will offer of themselves to entire covens, provided their offerings are appreciated and not abused. (See also "source", "supplier")

Donor Swans
In the OSV terminology, someone who shares their blood or life energy without obligation. Many donors enter into partnerships with vampires. These partnerships may often be sexual in nature, although they do not have to be so. Many donors prefer to be monogamous, offering their gifts to just one vampire at a time. Some donors will offer themselves to an entire House or Order, provided that their offerings are appreciated and not abused. There are several types of donor swans in the OSV system including Crystal Swans (pranic or psi energy), Crimson Swans (Sanguine) and Amber Swans (Pranic and Sanguine). In the Eclipsan system, all nonvampiric allies of vampires are called Kithani and all donors given the title of M'kheru. (see also source or Kitra)

1. Of, like, or pertaining to a dragon. The adjectival form of “dragon.”
2. Real people who identify as dragons say that they are draconic, and speak of having traits that are draconic.

The state, condition, or quality of being a dragon or like a dragon. Real people who identify as dragons speak of that experience as their draconity. For those who believe they are dragons in spirit, that spiritual belief is called draconity. For other dragons, they consider it to be a spiritual belief “no more than it is for a human to believe he is human. Draconity is to dragons as humanity is to humans.” Their draconity is the part of their self which is like a dragon. How and why they consider themselves to be dragons is a personal matter, determined for their own self. “It is up to each individual person what to make of their draconity.” For more about people who identify as dragons, see the entry for “dragon.” Compare awereness, therianthropy.

(Elenari only) A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin.

Real people who identify as dragons. For some, this identification is a personal spiritual belief. Although there were dragons in the otherkin community as far back as 1990, the dragon community itself originated in in about 1995, with little social or conceptual connection to the otherkin or therianthrope communities. The way in which they identify as dragons is the same or similar to how otherkin identify as elves, and how therianthropes identify as animals. Wolf VanZandt wrote, “I have spoken with several [dragons] and I cannot find any difference between their life experiences and those of therians.” Some dragons refer to themselves as dragon otherkin or dragon-kin, some call themselves dragon therianthropes, and some simply call themselves dragons. Jargon from the dragon community includes AFD, Alfandra, Alfandria, Altfandra,, Dominance, draconic, draconity, fruit, fruiting day, George, greggil, hatching day, and old fruit. 

Dragon, The
The Dragon is the "hunger" or the "thirst" of vampire fiction and mythology according to OSV, as well as somehow being the Higher Self in this tradition. It is the draw to consume pranic energy, which can often manifest as a blood lust or as an emotional vampire. As one follows the Strigoi Vii path, the Dragon may manifest as a temptation or draw to one's night side. The primal nature of a vampire, interpreted by this group as primal fire. Some traditions believe that this is what causes the Hunger or Thirst. In the OSV it is also considered the inner light or higher self and supposedly can be mastered with the development of the Will, meditation, dreamwalking and their concept of the Twilight balance, which originally is a concept created by the Temple of the Vampire. The Dragon is referred to in the OSV tradition as being our true self, our creative fire, our power and our potential to supposedly somehow become superhuman. Eclipsans call this the Beast or Khaibit.

1. (fiction) In many fantasy novels and games, a dragon or creature which is like both a dragon
and a human.
2. Any real person who considers himself or herself to be a dragon. A dragon otherkin. See –kin.

Drakonnist (Драконність)
(Ukrainian language only) Ukranian for “draconity,” used in the Ukranian-speaking part of the dragon otherkin community. 

Dream Festival
A holiday celebrated by members of OSV that falls on the Summer Solstice and that is used to celebrate their Dayside existence, including birth family and donors. This is an adaptation of a Wiccan and Pagan holiday for use by the OSV.

Dream shift
A type of non-physical temporary transformation, which some therianthropes claim to experience. The shifter’s physical human body sleeps, remaining unchanged, while the shift takes place within her dream. In the dream, she may dream about being another creature. Her dream might include the experience of transformation into that creature. Or she may dream of being that creature, without experiencing a transformation into it. The creature in question might be her animal side, but it could be any other creature. As such, people who don’t identify as therianthropes can have dream shifts too. This is part of why dream shifts are a common type of shift. Later, when the shifter wakes up from the dream, she can then choose to apply dream analysis and interpretation to her dream shift, which may contain a message from her inner self, her animal side, or her totem animal.
Abbreviation: DS, d-shift. Compare lucid dream shift.

[pl. eldar, eldali]
1. (fiction) Elf. In J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy novels, including but not limited to The Lord of the
Rings, this is the word that his elves use to refer to themselves.
2. (Silver Elves only) During the 1980s, the Silver Elves adopted this term to refer to themselves as well, and they use it that way frequently in their writings.

1. (fiction) Elvenhome. In J. R. R. Tolkien’s fantasy novels, this was a geographic region inhabited
by elves.
2. (Silver Elves only) During the 1980s, the Silver Elves adopted this term to refer to any home or household inhabited by elves, including their own. They use it that way often in their writings.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) A prominent member of the vampire community who is honored and respected for their experience, accomplishments and devotion. Elders are often those individuals who have helped establish a community, organize courts or havens, or coordinate the networking of the community. Most elders are responsible and levelheaded, but some have been slightly unbalanced by personal problems with their condition. These Elders have a hard time maintaining their Dayside existence. Other Elders are confident enough to be totally out of the coffin and try to educate the mundane public about our condition. See also the Eclipsan term Vran.
2. (Sanguinarius) A prominent member of the vampiric community who is honored and respected for his or her experience, knowledge, willingness to help others, accomplishments and devotion. Elders are often those individuals who have helped establish a community, organize groups, or help network the community.

The real people who call themselves Elenari believe themselves to have had past lives (incarnations) as elves “from a particular set of worlds and who have common histories and cultures.” Elenari have a shared background. The Elenari aren’t of the fae or the sidhe. Although the Elenari are like the legendary Tuatha de Dannan, but they aren’t the same as them. According to what they remember of their past lives, the Elenari homeworlds include
Aelveron, BrightMoon, Elphame, Sel’ar, and Shiri. Elenari races include Dai’ari, Draestari, Gae’ari, Kalthilas, Listari, and Tulari. Concepts from Elenari history and philosophy include the Corruption, Des’tai, and Vor’jen.

According to the OSV, this is the great vampiric essence and the vampiric astral spirits, called by the Temple of the Vampire the Undead Gods. This is one of the inner teachings of OSV. Some say this term evolved from the word "el-or-ath", which is the Atlantian term for a vampiric spirit. However, this is unlikely. Most people accept that it was simply made up by the Sanguinarium. Within the Sanguinarium this is a term referring to the phenomenon of the allure of people being drawn together to live the vampire lifestyle. It is expressed through vampires seeking out others like themselves and forming the "vampire scene". Since the birth of the Internet and the success of Anne Rice and Vampire: the Masquerade, people have identified themselves with this lifestyle. Unfortunately, this causes many posers and foolish mundanes who fool themselves into thinking they wish to be what they think a vampire is. These people have in the past been preyed upon by less than honorable members of the community.

This is a term for the vampire language, which is only taught to Isro of COVICA related covens. Many believe that this language is completely made up and substitute the term for formal words of the OSV vampiric lexicon.

As recalled from the shared past lives of real people who identify as elven otherkin, Elphame is one of the Elenari homeworlds.

1. (Sanguinarius) A hug. Since turning or awakening someone does not involve any sort of hug, where the vampire wraps his arms around them, drawing them close so he can bite them on the neck to feed/turn them into a vampire, (a la Dracula/Christopher Lee), this should not be necessarily defined as such, -- regardless of the mis usage of the word by others. Embrace does not mean turning, but it is an incredibly romantic word for an event, which, in a lot of people's minds, is extremely pseudo sexual and erotic (see "turned" and "awakened").
2. (OSV) According to OSV, this is the process known as the Becoming, the embrace is the welcome acceptance or adoption of the vampiric nature, condition, experience and the OSV philosophy. This is a total turnaround from previous Sanguinarium and OSV uses of the terms, which were similar to that of Sanguinarius, and most people will avoid the term in any use with vampirism due to it's roleplaying connotations.

Emotional vampire
See "psychic vampire", sense 2 and especially "psychological vampirism". A Sanguinarium term for a Drama King/Queen (adapted from Sanguinarius) who tries to attract attention through their behavior and feeds off being the center of attention.

Endless Night Festival
Held annually by the Clan Sabertooth (Alpha) for the rest of the Sanguinarium, the Endless Night Festival claimed by them to be the largest gathering of vampires run by vampires in North America. It is traditionally held in either New York or New Orleans on the weekend closest to Halloween. It is comprised of two events, the Vampire's Ball one night and the Dark Bazaar the day before with merchants, seminars, tea parties and art shows, etc. Unfortunately, many vampires have no way of attending due to mundane and financial concerns. It is seen as a gathering of community elders, but it is mostly a social event that brings in money for it's organizers.

Energy Rape
1. The violation and abuse of a person through the act of feeding on personal (non-ambient) energy without the full knowledge and consent of the individual. 
2. Singling out individuals in a group to feed from while claiming to be ambient feeding. Also known as "leeching"

Energy Rapist
Someone who commits the act of non-consensual (non-ambient) feeding from someone. Also known as a "leech"

Energy Signature
The pattern of energy, vibes, or the feeling that is unique to each individual; a person's psi 'fingerprint' identifiable in real life or astrally and oftentimes left behind long after a person has gone. Vampires supposedly have a particular kind of energy signature, and those who can pick up on this can identify them as vampires. An energy sig is different from a presence, though you can feel the presence of someone's energy, too. (See also "beacon")

Energy Vampire
An individual who has a need to feed upon the life force of others. Most energy vampires feed upon chi or pranic energy and avoid drinking blood. Some intermingle energy vampirism with blood drinking. Also referred to as psi-vamps, most energy vampires exhibit the same characteristics that distinguish other real vampires, including light sensitivity, a nocturnal lifestyle, and periods of the Hunger or Thirst. *(See also "chi", "hunger", "psychic vampire", "real vampire", "thirst") . Two new terms for this type of vampirism are the Ancient Egyptian Shef Usheb, and the Enochian Lonshi Talhon.

A polite term for one who is an enemy of the community, intolerant to vampirism or otherwise hostile but still comes into contact with us for whatever reason. Some bored and lonely people seek to gain attention and respect by claiming to "hunt" or "Slay" vampires, which is of course murder and illegal for good reason. Others have for whatever reason left the community and feel antagonism towards it. Still others have religious/moral injunctions against vampires and vampirism. The equivalent OSV term is White Swan.

The awakened children of an organization's membership usually from the adolescent age of 15 -17. They are trained in basic community etiquette and given essential education on what they are. Upon reaching 18yrs of age, they are able to become full members of an organization, and depending on previous training by their parents could rise in the organization faster than normal.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) See Ravass Bhavatan, Invisibles and Sin Nomine. Those who have been ostracized from the OSV section of the community due to their being perceived as committing a serious crime in the eyes of some member of this group, usually those in the higher ranks. The crimes the OSV punishes with Excommunication are those that are seen as jeopardizing someone else's safety (though in practical terms this often seems to outsiders as simply jeopardizing the group or a member by telling an unpleasant truth publicly) or disregarding the Black Veil (which was never meant to be enforced according to it's writers statements and the beliefs of those who originally adopted it). Those who have been excommunicated are no longer permitted by the ruling body of the OSV, the Council of Nine to interact with members of the OSV, it's sub groups and included or allied Houses.
2. (Sanguinarius) Cast out of a coven or the vampiric community as a whole. (See also "Invisibles", "Sin nomine")

In the Illuminatti system this term is from a vampire's bloodline, descendants.

A vampire or person who is called one or pretends to be one who has proved them-self incapable of handling the demands of their Hunger or everyday life and keeping their egos in check, or a delusional mundane who desperately wants to be a vampire and convinces themselves that they are one. Also any person who members of House Eclipse feels presents a definite danger to them. Such people break the law, committing crimes ranging from illegal substance distribution and abuse to rape and murder. They feel superior to other people and thus feel no qualms about using, abusing, hurting, lying to or even killing them. This is the result of a weak mind and poor teaching, or being taught incorrectly that vampires are somehow superior to mundanes. Faboan may risk themselves or the health of donors by not getting tested for diseases or using unsafe feeding methods, as they often have severe delusions of grandeur. These vampires are extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. This term also applies to any person classified by history or the media as vampires, whether or not they posses the actual vampiric condition. Examples are Kyle Hubert, the Vampire Killer or Nico Claux, the Vampire of Paris. This word comes from the Enochian term meaning "Poison". This is in some ways like the concept of "Sin Nomine" but is not applicable to vampires who merely annoy or disagree with a House and are exiled from it.

[pheromones + faerie + moans] In the writings by the Silver Elves, this means a kind of non-verbal communication.

According to many legends and most modern stories, fiction, movies and the like, Ageless vampires naturally grow sharpened and pointed incisor and canine teeth after becoming vampires. These are used for puncturing the skin so the vampire may drink the blood of those they feed on. Many vampires as well as Mundane imitators have caps made to fit over their teeth that look like fangs, and some sets are quite sharp. It is very dangerous to feed using fangs, as the fangs make puncture wounds, which often get infected and the saliva can carry many dangerous diseases, such as herpes, hepatitis, HIV and tetanus. Thus most vampires use them as a form of jewelry or because they find the look of them appeals to their Beast or Khaibit. Fangs may be used for an occasional nibble but should never be used to break the skin.

An OSV term for an individual who is trained in making fangs for members of any community that might need them. They are commonly referred to as "father" or "mother" by the Sanguinarium, though others refuse to use these terms and find them silly. According to the OSV, the above titles are due to the concept that supposedly those having fangs made are somehow involved in a ritualistic process while acquiring custom made fangs, that can act as a catalyst to awakening. Only the OSV ascribes to this theory. To everyone else, they are business people only to most, hold no specific rank due to their practice and are not necessarily members of a House or Coven.

A term used by many people to describe their coven or their close circle of vampires and friends. Also, a general term for all members of the vampiric community.

Family of Night
A term used by many people in the OSV to describe their coven or their close circle of vampires and allied otherkin or Black Swan friends. It is also used as a general term for all members of the vampire community. Others find this term pretentious and simply refer to the vampire community as exactly that.

Family Dentist
The OSV word for a fang smith. This term is misleading and should be stringently avoided as fang makers hardly ever have any dental training and should not be referred to by a title they have not earned.

Fashion Vampire
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Someone who just dresses the part for whatever reason. The fashion vamps are only into the aesthetics (fangs, contacts, fashion) and not the philosophy or spirituality of the lifestyle. Most real vampires hate Gaja, refuse to associate with them and mock them openly. They are damaging to real vampires, as their presence among us makes us all look like fakes. * Also see Gaja.
2. (Sanguinarius) This is not a type of actual vampire. Someone who does not have the vampiric condition, and who just dresses the part. The fashion vamps are only into the aesthetics (fangs, contacts, fashion) and not the philosophy or spirituality of the lifestyle -- think "fashion victim". (See also "wannabe" and "poser")

Festival of Radiant Life
A Strigoi Vii holiday, which falls on the summer solstice and celebrates the Dayside, mundane family and donors. A vampiric adaptation of the celebration of an ancient Pagan holiday.

1. (Illuminatti) A hungry vampire or vampires, the opposite of food in the Illuminatti system.
2. (Sanguinarius) Another term for vampires, which distinguishes them by their need to feed upon blood. Also a term referring to those who consume animal blood, which is a risky and often unethical practice.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) The act of consuming blood, life force, or energy from a person, animal, or other source. AKA Communion by House Sahjaza, if done between consenting, aware, screened and safe individuals. Other Houses consider that term sacreligious and disrespectful.
2 (Sangiunarius) The act of consuming blood (or, in the case of psi or energy vampires, pranic energy) from someone (or an animal). (See also the "Hunger", the "Thirst", and the "Need".)

Feeding Circle
A group of donors, usually from four to seven, who feed a specific vampire or coven of vampires. A group of people, usually from four to seven, who give the gift to a particular vampire. The members pledge to do the vampire and each other no harm.

Filtering/Filter Shield
The word used for a type of shield made up of psychic, pranic or astral energy or Chi that allows some things in while blocking others. This is usually created by visualization of the one to posses the filter shield, and often focused into a specific amulet or other focal point. This type of shield is primarily used by psivamps or psionicists who wish to work only with specific types of energy and find other types distracting or difficult to work with. A person must be grounded and in a state of relaxation to begin building any type of shield or filter with energy.

First Age
Refers to the birth era of the Sanguinarium from 1992-2002. Not used by anyone else.

A source of blood that is sometimes hunted for in the Illuminatti system. The opposite of feeder.

Friend of lycanthrope
These are “people who are ‘in the know’ about shifters and like to hang out with shifters, but who are not shifters themselves. There seem to be a few of these in just about every pack.” I have never seen this in use, and expect not to, because those in the therianthrope community no longer call themselves “lycanthropes,” which see. Obsolete. Abbrev. FOL. Syn. werewolf sympathizer.

A humorous term for a nutty vampire. This indicates a vampire who’s "not all there". The demands of surviving as a vampire can be too much for some, and in some cases, their mental and emotional states clearly suffer. This can also refer to a vampire who has a habit of acting wild and crazy, kind of like a court jester or class clown, mostly for attention and entertainment purposes. Often an Elder who is incapable of handling their urges or allows their Nightside to dominate completely until they cannot pass for a Mundane at all.

Fruiting day
The anniversary of a regular participant’s first post on Compare hatching day.

A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin. 

Originally a word used by the Gypsies or Romany to designate a person who does not follow their lifestyle, it was a derogatory term that meant "root-feet". Now it is used by OSV as a formal term for fashion vampire or someone who is in the vampire scene, portrays the archetype of a vampire but does not feed. Most real vampires will not associate with these liars and fools, as their presence is damaging to the community.

A term used on the website created by NightPoe that refers to physical ageless type vampires as a pun on the traditionally gaunt, thin and pale appearance. Other terms for the same are Ageless and Pales.

Participants of the otherkin community arrange to meet in person once in a while. They call this event a “gather.” Usually under a dozen people come to a gather. The first meeting called an otherkin gather was held in 1990 in North Carolina by nine participants of the Elfinkind Digest listserve, which is the same listserve that coined the word “otherkin” earlier during the same year. Some gathers are held annually for several years running, such as Dancing the Endless Dream, A Gathering Echo, Kinvention North, Mythicalia, and Walking the Thresholds. Participants of also held “dragon gathers.” Gathers have been held in Australia, Canada, and the USA.
Also gathering. Sometimes spelled with a capital G. Compare Howl.

1. (fiction) In Gordon R. Dickson’s fantasy novel The Dragon and the George, slang used by dragon characters to mean “human.” Derived from the name of the dragon-slayer Saint George.
2. Pejorative but tongue-in-cheek slang for “human.” A person who doesn’t identify as a dragon. Adopted into common use from the above fantasy novel. 
All pejoratives against humans have become less common in the otherkin, dragon, and therianthrope communities due to discouragement of rants against “humans” (meaning people who don’t identify as dragons, otherkin, or therianthropes). Syn. greggil. Compare human, monkeyboy, mundane, normal, skin.

The proper, formal or polite term for an Apprentice, or a newly Awakened vampire in a mentoring relationship with another vampire. Where as the term of Apprentice is general, Gevanma is used by House Eclipse members only. It is the Enochian word for "beginning". It is comparable to the OSV level of Bellah.

Gift, the
Blood, lovingly given by a vessel or food in the Illuminatti system.

Gizyax Bloodfeud
When two vampires, usually two who each are leaders and are well thought of in their respective or the general Community decide for any reason, from moral to political to religious not to get along, it can send shockwaves through the entire community and leave many people hurt psychologically, physically or financially. Because vampires tend to have strong personalities and legendary egos, we often argue or even develop deep rivalries or hatreds for one another for many reasons. Rather than make the foolish and unreasonable demand that we all get along like one big, lying, fake dysfunctional family, House Eclipse has advanced this term and standard of behavior for vampires who do not get along for whatever reason. This is essentially a gentleperson's agreement to disagree or whatever issues, but not to try to sweep others into the argument. Stemming from this is the agreement not to fight, harass, flame or argue online on message boards both take part in. Vampires in a G izyax BloodFeud also agree to avoid each other in public places or if forced into the same area to cordially avoid one another with no harassing words, gestures or movements to disrupt the event or place for others present. Such vampires do not need to play at being friends and may make their feud known openly as much as they like and expound on the reasons therefore in private. The main purpose is to maintain peace on the Internet and in our Vmadea or Havens, while still allowing personal dislikes and arguments to exist.

The OSV term used to describe their set of rune-like symbols that have specific individual meanings to it's members. Many other groups have their own sets of glyphs, but prefer to call them other names, such as sigils.

Golden Circle
1. (Illuminatti) A word originally coined by this group to describe a group of donors and mundane allies a vampire coven or household holds sacred and protects. The people around a Coven or Household, which include Back Swans, vampires, lovers, etc. Members of a vampire's Golden Circle have a special relationship to the vampire. This usually includes a child or children and a partner.
2. (OSV and Sanguinarium) A sacred and protected group of donors dedicated to a particular group of vampires and looked after by a specific member of that group.

An old regular. Any therianthrope who has actively participated in the therianthrope community for several consecutive years, especially if present on alt.horror.werewolves in 1995. Usage varies: some therians use “graymuzzle” to refer to anyone present on AHWW anytime during the Nineties, and some therianthropes use “graymuzzle” to refer to therianthropes who have been active in the community for a length of time as little as two years. It can also mean someone who has been a member of specific pack for a long time. This term doesn’t refer to the therianthrope’s chronological age.
Also gray-muzzle, greymuzzle, grey-muzzle. Compare elder, fruit.

This is a type of lifestyle, which is looked down upon by the rest of the vampire community in which a vampire randomly feeds upon un-screened donors typically picked up in nightclubs and Goth bars. Vampires who feed without discretion in this manner are supposedly derogatorily referred to as Strega. This is of course inaccurate as a strega is a witch according to the correct definition. * See also Strega.

A person who doesn’t identify as a dragon. Syn. George. Compare human, monkeyboy, mundane, normal, skin.

A no longer used and outdated term for a local population of vampires in close geographic area, this usually refers to include all vampyres in a specific area, that according to the Sanguinarium includes the phonies and fake lifestyler and RPG wannabees that they call Gaja. They also use a more specific term, cabal, which is supposed to only refer to true vampires and the underground, non clubbing community.

Grounding and Centering
A term used by the pagan, magical, occultist, vampire and other communities to refer to the practice of stabilizing oneself psychically through linking with the earth and ridding oneself of excess or non-useful energy. This can be done on one's own or through a more grounded vampire, usually a Mradu in communities using the caste system. Many techniques for this exist, varying according to philosophy, religion or House and Order.

a contraction of two Sumerian words: gudanna (“attacker”) and lalartu (“phantom”) meaning a spy, saboteur or infiltrator.

1. (Sanguinarius)A strong form of haematophilia.
2. (OSV and Sanguinarium) A fetish or erotic attraction to the taste, smell or sight of blood. Haematodipsia is supposedly a stronger form or pathological disorder of Haematophilia. This had to be pieced together by the editor as many sections of the Lexicon in the "V" book are riddled with text errors.

A strong psychological craving for blood.

An erotic attraction to the taste, sight or smell of blood.

A term related to those with the vampiric condition who have a sexual relation with blood, including but not limited to fetishism.

a contraction of two Sumerian words: halqu (“lost”) and taru (“return”) meaning a former member wishing to return to the group.

Hatching day
1. Birthday. Anniversary of the birth of one’s physical human body, referred to whimsically as if
one had hatched from an egg, rather than being born in the manner of mammals. “Hatching day” is not to be taken literally, since of course the person was born in the manner of mammals.
2. An event in a person’s life in which they realize that they are a dragon, despite their outwardly
human appearance. This event usually happens around when a person becomes a young adult. Syn. Awakening, awereness.
3. The anniversary of the above event.

The act of going out to collect pranic or psychic energy. Used only in the OSV.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium)A vampire nightclub or gathering place. These are considered sacred grounds and often times they are blessed by an acolyte in the OSV tradition. Most others consider this superfluous or even invasive to the beliefs of the actual owners of the location. The haven serves as the hub of a given community, providing a place where all the community can gather and socialize. The local haven will often host special functions arranged by the vampire community. Many Havens are run or protected by Black Swan allies of a vampiric House, and all have an Elder in charge of them.
2. (Sanguinarius) A Vampire nightclub or other gathering place. Considered hallowed ground, the haven serves as the social hub of a given community, providing a place where all the community can gather and socialize. Often, special functions arranged by the vampiric community in an area are held at the local haven.
3. (House Eclipse) The outdated term for a vampire gathering place. Many groups choose or prefer strongly not to use this word due to it's origin in role-playing games, and House Eclipse uses the term Vmadea as a substitute.

The reverent, respectful, polite and titular word used to refer to those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to aiding others through healing and the restoration of health. This can include psychiatrists, counselors, doctors, EMT's, EMT firefighters, masseuses, physical therapists, real faith healers, gemstone healers, herbalists, Reiki and reflexology practitioners, acupuncture or acupressure practitioners, shamans or medicine people, Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors or any other healer of any other system. Such people are considered int he Eclipsan system divinely blessed and inspired and followers of this system will go out or thier way to protect or aid such people.

Suffix used with the name of a kind of animal or a kind of legendary being to indicate what kind of otherkin a person is. A way of indicating the type of creature that one is at heart. For example, a person who identifies as a cat might call himself a cat-heart, or cat-hearted.103 Compare -kin, -soul. 

An applicant to a House who is not a full member but is a probationary one, or an associate of the House who chooses not to be a member. Often called Outer Circle in different Houses. Named after the Norse deity Hemhaidahl who guarded the Rainbow Bridge between Earth and Valhalla. Similar to the rank of Jahira, Pledge or Dedicant in OSV tradition, though for House Eclipse it is often a temporary rank only. Those who cause trouble within a House may be put under this status as a form of punishment or warning.

Hidden, the
Another name for Lilith's Children used by the Illuminatti or the Clan of Lilith as well as Her non-vampire worshipers.

These are groups of individuals and organizations who live within the vampire community; who band together under a specific theme, set of ideals, traditions, common sigil, havens, membership requirements, hierarchy and rites. Households are also called Houses, and range in size from as few as three members to as many as hundreds. Those who belong to more than one households are known as "Kithal" in the OSV system. Some large houses have "clutches", which represent a branch of the family tree. The organization and purpose of each household varies from fraternal to spiritual. Most often Sanguinarium households are organized into inner and outer circles. Other groups have different systems of admission. With the associates, pledging members, mundane or donor friends are members of the Outer Circle in this system, while initiates, Elders and Primii make up the Inner Circles in this system. There are no requirements for forming a household other than a group of people getting tog ether, choosing a sigil, name and theme or philosophy. Yet, to become recognized by the Community as a whole is the challenge, as a reputation, respect and name must be built and earned. Currently, some of the better-known households are: Sahjaza, Quinotaur, The Coven Organization, House Eclipse, Dark Star, House Kheperu, Clan of Lilith or Illuminatti, Nehkbet and the Court of Lazarus.

When people in the therianthrope community arrange to meet in person once in a while, they call this event a “Howl.” At first, this meant only gatherings of the people of alt.horror.werewolves, who held the first meeting called a Howl in 1994 in Ohio. Howls are often held by people of all parts of the therianthrope community. Howls have been held in Australia, Canada, Russia, Sweden,  the UK, and the USA. The number of people who can be as small as four or larger than fifty. Compare gather.

A term used for the purposes of distinguishing those who are not vampires. At best, this term is misleading because it implies that vampires are not human. (See "mundane")

The part or nonvampire friend of a vampire that remembers and honors his or her humanity and helps prevent the slide into The Beast. A kind of human conscience. Not used much in the modern day due to it's associations with roleplaying.

Hunger, The
1. (Sanguinarius) The desire to feed also identified as the Thirst or the Need. The Hunger is both a psychological and physical sensation. Physically, it manifests as an intense hunger or thirst - but is not satisfied by food or drink. Psychologically, a vampire in the throes of the Hunger feels agitated and empowered at the same time. Pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and sometimes even body temperature, increase in anticipation of the act of feeding. Vampires lacking in self discipline may actually lose control of themselves and have to be restrained or talked down. (See also "feeding", the "Thirst", the "Need")
2. (Illuminatti) The unsatisfied need for blood.

Hunt, the
The biological urge in the Illuminatti system within a vampire to go out and seek food, or the act of hunting food. Rarely used nowadays due to negative connotations.

Someone that hunts, stalks, threatens, or does harm to someone because s/he is a vampire, or because the hunter believes them to be so. Hunters do not have to actively attack the vampire in order to do them harm; often the emotional and mental distress of having someone like this hounding you is damaging enough. Hunters are not only conservative Christians; some Pagans and Wiccans are self-proclaimed hunters, as their religious system views vampires generally as negative or evil. "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer" and "Blade" fans are not included in this category; it applies to seriously unbalanced individuals who really are on some sort of holy hate crusade and intend to follow through with violence or action. Hunters may also be persons who stalk vampires in order to gather information on them, presumably with the intent of using this information to bring them harm sometime down the line. Occasionally, a vampire who is unable to cope with their condition will try and bring harm to the community or it's members as well, and should be considered just as dangerous.* See also Slayer.

Actively going out and seeking donors in havens or in public. (Some even go to the mall!) This means bringing them home to feed or to eventually screen them. At one point, this was considered safe, but with the existence of HIV and AIDS, hunting indiscriminately is considered irresponsible and extremely dangerous; there still must be a period of screening time. Vampires who feed irresponsibly are supposedly known as Strega (even though this term actually refers to a witch in the russian tradition and has nothing to do with vampires) and are shunned. Many are "excommunicated" by their elders for this offense. Modern and safe Hunters simply try and find possible donors to screen verbally and start the process of finding out if the person is psychologically interested and equipped to donate. Eventually, the donor will be medically screened as well.

1. A vampire who is capable of feeding on both blood as well as psi energy. It seems to me that most real vampires are capable of feeding from both, or using blood and psi interchangeably, so is the term "hybrid" really necessary, or accurate? See Omnivore...
2. Someone who is a Vampire as well as a Therian, or an Otherkin, or both. 

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