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A form of play hunting referred to only within the OSV and Sanguinarium when a vampire or coven of vampires goes out to find donors but does not bring them home; maybe a little nibbling, but never feeding. This was supposedly used in the late 1970s to teach fledglings how to hunt in discos, but many vampires that lived during that time scoff at the word as nonsensical and made up.

The ritual or forced Awakening of an Ananiel or Klavasi vampire in the Eclipsan system using magic, ritual or specific traumatic circumstances. This is occasionally done by Houses and Orders who see strong potential in an Unawakened vampire and who are asked to Awaken this potential by the Ananiel. The said person, however is often not ready for all that comes with being a vampire and can have thier life ruined by such an event, or at the least changed for the worse. A few manage to come through Salbrox with little difficulty and become respected vampires in the community, thus the continuing of the practice. The word comes from the Enochian word for "live Sulphur", a potentially deadly substance in Alchemy but one necessary to many formulas.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) A path of mixing blood use and other magic, where each initiate takes the best from other paths and combines them into his or her own interpretation. Many paths and forms of Sangomancy exist, from simple divination to high ritual and invocation. All spells and rituals use blood in some way.
2. (Sanguinarius)A form of vampyrecrafte, or vampiric magick, which specifically involves the use of blood in the rituals. (See "vampyrecrafte".)

Literally translates as "Divination using blood". A vampire who studies, practices and creates new forms of sangomancy. Anyone called this should have been a vampire for at least three years and have mastered the basics of Sangomancy. Most Sangomancers create their own form or variety of Sangomancy and tailor rituals to fit their personal beliefs and tastes.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium)Someone who feeds on blood. Taken from the Latin word meaning "blood-thirsty, Bloody or reddish in color", a Sanguinarian is someone who has a physical thirst, need, or craving for blood. This need is generally non-erotic in nature and distinguishable by the greater quantity required from the minimal amount consumed by blood fetishists. Many Energy Vampires are able to sustain themselves on pranic energy or chi alone, while Sanguinarians need to combine this with actual, physical blood in order to get any benefit from it. *See also Sanguine.
2. (Sanguinarius)Someone who has a physical thirst, need, craving for blood (which is non-erotic in nature) in more significant quantity than is generally required or desired by other blood-drinkers. Sanguinarians (a word from the Latin root "sanguinarius", meaning "bloodthirsty") apparently do not get the benefits from pranic energy, or else they are unable to feed psychically like psi and energy vampires, for whom blood and pranic energy are apparently interchangeable.

Sanguinarium / Sanguinary, The
A group of houses, businesses, organizations and beliefs that make up a part of the vampire community. It's members typically follow the Black Veil, attend Sanguinarium Havens and events, and bear a specific form of ankh as a sigil. Not all vampiric houses and groups support the Sanguinarium or consider themselves a part of it, or even recognize their laws and traditions. They are a visible portion of the community, but definitely not the only or dominant part. Many real vampires frown upon the Sanguinarium because of the non-vampiric lifestylers it attracts and the artificial pomp and aristocratic hierarchy it endorses. They have often been accused in the past of trying to set up a monopoly within the community and claiming to be the only "real" community out there.

A term for a blood drinker. In the Latin language, Sanguine refers to someone who is blood-thirsty. Today it is a term for all blood drinking vampires and often substituted for the term of vampire (which is seen as misleading and inaccurate by many).

Sanguine / sanguin / sang vamp(ire)
These are shortened forms of the term "sanguinarian". See "sanguinarian".

Sang Vamp (slang)
Term, which refers to a blood-drinking vampire. * See also Sanguine

A term that I am seeing more frequently, used to define sanguinarians, but which I feel is inaccurate, as sanguinarians do consume more than just blood. I would strongly recommend using the term to refer to those who consume only blood, and nothing else, as their main source of sustenance. I have not encountered any tangible proof that such individuals do exist, and I feel that this is highly unlikely.

Scene, The / the Vampire Scene
The "scene" is a general term used by the OSV and few others for the social aspects of the vampire community including havens, events, businesses, societies, and even the online part of the subculture. Many others feel it is overly pretentious or has strong echoes of words used to describe the Gothic and BDSM subculture. Many vampires and vampyre lifestylers are a part of the vampiric community, but do not go out and socialize. Most of the current scene revolves around the Sanguinarium, due to the amount of money they invest on attempting to appear to be the entire community as opposed to a small part of it.

Second Age
Begins on November 31st, 2002 and refers to the second 10 years of the Sanguinarium community by that group. Here the traditions of the Strigoi Vii have been established.

Someone who is seeking after vampires, or knowledge of vampires, usually desiring to become one him/herself. Unlike a wannabe, the seeker has a more thoughtful approach to vampirism and is willing to learn all they can about the condition before jumping headfirst into it. Some seekers eventually awaken as vampires or become donors, Kithani or Black Swans.

(Elenari only) As recalled from the shared past lives of real people who identify as elven otherkin, Sel’ar is one of the Elenari homeworlds.

The elven self. Wordplay used often throughout the writings by the Silver Elves since 1979. Variations include hers’elf, hims’elf, thems’elves, ours’elves, yours’elf, etc. 

Self-Mutilation Syndrome/SMS
A psychological condition which has apparently begun to grow among American youth. Sufferers of SMS, also known as cutters, feel the need to cut into their flesh and watch themselves bleed. Some sufferers of SMS also drink the blood drawn out this way, although this is not standard for the disorder. Most sufferers of SMS are redirecting feelings of anger, frustration, inadequacy, self-punishment or emotional pain onto their bodies. Some eventually get involved in body art and blood fetishism. *See also Clinical Vampirism, Renfield’s Syndrome.

Sense shift
1. (therian comm.) An event in which a therianthrope’s senses temporarily become more like
those of his animal side, and/or his senses become heightened. Syn. perception shift.
2. (therian comm.) [Circa 1999] A type of temporary non-physical transformation. An event in
which a person can perceive the world through the senses of a corporeal animal or familiar.
Greene uses only this definition for the term, saying that it is “Similar to possession shifting
except that the shifter is still aware of and in the human body, and not in control of the animal
body.” Compare possession shifting, borrowing.

A belief within the vampire community that links vampirism back to the Egyptian God Set. Egyptologists have recently suggested that Set is just a deification of an Egyptian high priest from very early times, and that the rivalry between Set and Osiris represents a rivalry between competing temples. In the Setians’ view, Set was a high priest of a temple who developed a ritual of death and rebirth that allowed the soul to achieve immortality. The Setians believe that the rites described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead are only improperly recollected versions of this ritual. Set chose 72 associates to undergo this ritual with him and to travel eternity as undying spirits, which were eternally renewed. The vampiric condition was a side effect of this ritual. The Setians believe then that vampirism is a spiritual condition, and it represents immortality in as much as the soul is immortal and capable of recollecting itself throughout every rebirth. Setians feed primarily upon life energy and generally abstain from the physical drinking of blood. Also refers to the Temple of Set, a legitimate religion founded by Michael Aquino as a Left-Hand Path faith.

Sexual Vampirism
A form of psi-vampirism where feeding is done primarily from sexual energy, or energy generated during sexual activity, with or without the exchange of blood. The feeding can be done intentionally or unconsciously / unintentionally. A common term for female vampires who feed exclusively through sex is "Succubus", a word which originally denoted a Mediaeval demon which was believed to visit the dreams of men and tempt them into sexual misconduct; the male version of the word, although not as widespread, is "Incubus". See also "incubus", "succubus".

Shadow shift
A type of temporary transformation. The shifter doesn’t change physically. Witnesses see his appearance seem to change. They see his animal form around him as a transparent apparition. This illusion happens under dim lighting. This phenomenon isn’t necessarily a supernatural phenomenon, and could be explained rationally. For example, it could be a mass hallucination. I’m not aware of anyone within the therianthrope community who claims in public writing to have personally experienced or witnessed a shift of this type. Abbrev. SWS. Syn. ghost shift, glamour shift, illusion shift.

see skin-stealer.

Shef Usheb
A polite, formal, ritual or respectful term for a psychic vampire in the Eclipsan system, used by those who feel the other term is derogatory, misleading or insulting. It comes from words in Ancient Egyptian that translate as "To eat or feed on strength, vigor, energy or force".

Shield, Psychic
A construction of chi, prana, astral or other energy for the purpose of blocking unwanted psychic intrusions, attacks, feeding or any kind of spells or excess emotions or energy from outside its user. Usually made by a person on their own for this purpose from a state of relaxation or meditation. Varying levels or degrees of shields exist, from heavy ones that block out all energy to thin, light ones tailored to allow specific types of energy or people through. These are commonly referred to as filtering or filter shields.

Shapeshifting, not necessarily involving a literal change of physical shape, so long as it is some kind of temporary change in a person, in which a person more closely resembles their animal side or another creature in some way. “Shifting” includes types of shifts that aren’t physical.245 If a therianthrope says that he has experienced a shift, without specifically mentioning the type of shift, the most likely means a mental shift (which see), which isn’t physical. Shifting isn’t unique to therianthropes. Non-therianthrope people can shift, even if they lack an
animal side. (See shamanic shift.) Therianthropes tend to have it in their nature to shift. However, some therianthropes don’t shift (see contherianthropy). Particularly during the 1990s, the therianthrope community developed terminology for classifying different types of shifts. The category of non-physical shifts includes astral shifts, aura s., dream s., lucid dream s., mental s., phantom s., and shadow s. (which see). Other types of shifts include berserk shift, cameo s., etheric s., magical s., perception s., physical s., sense s., and shamanic s..

1. (folklore) A person who shifts, particularly one who changes shape.
2. (therian comm.) A therianthrope. A real kind of person who feels that they sometimes shift
between human and animal in some way, most commonly by a mental shift (which see), which
isn’t physical. As authors of literature for the therianthrope community, Jakkal, Yaiolani, and Greene all preferred to refer to therianthropes as “shifters.” They all refer to the therianthrope community of AHWW. Despite the different term, shifters aren’t a separate community from therianthropes. They are the one same community. It’s just that the community was uncertain about what to call itself for a while (see “lycanthrope” for more information). Shifter is short for “shapeshifter.” Advantages of the term “shifter,” as explained by its proponent, Greene: “Many of us call ourselves ‘shifters’ and not ‘shapeshifters.’ We don’t want to imply that we shift our physical shape. Also, we like to get away from the term ‘werewolf,’ because many of us are species other than wolf, and we need a name that doesn’t exclude any other species. ” A problem with the term “shifter:” some therianthropes identify as animals, but don’t experience shifting (see contherianthropy). Syn. therianthrope, Were. Compare animal person, lycanthrope. Contrast contherianthrope.

a word meaning a non-Vampyre, the unawakened, neither hostile nor friendly. Synonym “mundane”. (This word is already in use in our VC as defined here).

(Elenari, elven otherkin comm.) As recalled from the shared past lives of real people who identify as elven otherkin, Shiri is one of the Elenari peoples.

A magical or identifying symbol of any kind, in both the vampiric community and outside in various magical systems. Within the community, the identifying symbol of a house, haven, or individual. The sigil often has ritual or symbolic significance for the members of the household and is like a "coat of arms". For example, the Sanguinarium Ankh represents members of the Sanguinarium. Within the OSV and Sanguinarium households and courts are expected to create their own version of a Sanguinarium Rune. Many different groups outside the Sanguinarium have their own sigils or even sets of sigils for use in identification and magic.

Sin Nomine
Latin for "without name". A vampire who has been stripped of his or her name and recognition within a specific group in or the whole of the vampiric community for having committed some great crime in the eyes of the community. See also "excommunicated" and "Invisibles".

A term from Vampire: The Masquerade roleplaying system that has crept into general usage in the OSV system meaning the one who "turned" (or awakened) someone else who is now a vampire. (See "mentor", Pibliar and Adra).

1. (therian comm.) [Circa 1999] (Pejorative) According to Yaiolani, a human, specifically a person who doesn’t identify as a therianthrope. I’ve never seen this word in use. Obsolete?
2. (therian comm.) [Circa 1999] According to Yaiolani, a therianthrope person’s animal side. For example, “‘my skin is a fox’ meaning ‘I’m a fox-shifter.’” I’ve never seen this word in use, not even in archives. Obsolete?
According to Jakkal and Banulf, a skin-stealer is an evil person who magically changes his physical appearance by killing another animal or person, to wear their body or skin. Although practices similar to this appear in folklore and fiction, I don’t remember seeing any stories that call it by this name (or by the synonyms listed here). Jakkal says this practice is feared all over the world, without saying whether it is a real or folkloric practice. Banulf implies that this practice is real and contemporary. Jakkal and Banulf don’t cite any sources to support their belief. Jakkal and Banulf are the only people in the therianthrope community who I know to have written about it. I haven’t heard of any specific examples of it in real life. I haven’t heard of anyone in the therianthrope community who claims to be a skinstealer. Syn. flesh-dancer, shape-stealer, SST. Compare skin-walk.

1. (Navajo and some other Native American folklore) A skin-walker is a supernatural person who can shape-shift into animal form, sometimes with the aid of an animal skin. I’m not aware of anyone in the therianthrope community who calls themselves a skin-walker of the kind described in Navajo folklore. Compare berserker.
2. (therian comm.) [1999] According to Greene, the practice of “using costuming, masks, or makeup … to get closer to the inner animal.” I haven’t seen anyone else use this term in this way. Compare prowl.
3. (therian comm) [1999] According to Jakkal, skin-stealing. I haven’t seen anyone else use this term in this way. 

1. (Sanguinarium)A loud-mouthed individual that makes public and obnoxious claims of killing people who either are or are believed to be vampires. Most so-called slayers pattern themselves after Buffy or Blade. Just like hit-men for the mafia, those who may be real vampire hunters or slayers are NOT going to publicly announce what they do. At any rate, they’ll get investigated. If they are posers, then they will continue to remain free and flap their lips a lot; if they are real, then the Law will deal with them accordingly. Whatever the case may be, vampires urges you to report these individuals to the proper authorities. Maybe being investigated will put a reality check in their lives. * See also Hunter.
2. (Sanguinarius)A loud-mouthed dumbass that makes public and obnoxious claims of killing people who are (or who the slayer thinks are) vampires. Just like hit-men for the mafia, those who may be real vampire hunters or slayers are NOT going to publically announce what they do, as that's a surefire way to the Big House, or the Happy Hotel. At any rate, they'll get investigated. If they are posers, then they will continue to remain free and flap their lips a lot; if they are real, then the Law will deal with them accordingly. Whatever the case may be, Sanguinarius urges you to report these individuals to the proper authorities. Maybe being investigated will put a reality check in their miserable lives and cause them to tone down their racist shitspeak. (See also, "hunter")
Whether they are harming or killing people, or desecrating graves and corpses, or conducting illegal interstate commerce (ex., a site on the net, offering vampire hunting or slaying services in exchange for money or goods) -- even if they have had no takers!, -- they are doing or offering to do illegal things, and should be reported. I believe conducting illegal interstate commerce is a felony--?
It's one thing to be a fan of Buffy, or Blade, or Jack Crow, or whoever, and it's one thing to have a ROLEPLAYING persona of a vampire hunter, but if that's the case, then those who do need to put some sort of indication that this is the case!

Spiritual therianthropy
See therianthropy. This term is used to make clear that therianthropes identify as animals in spirit, not in body. On the other hand, as Yaiolani reports, some people don’t like calling it spiritual, “because it makes people think of a religion. I suppose spiritual therianthropy could just as easily be called ‘emotional therianthropy’ or ‘instinctive therianthropy’ or ‘personal therianthropy.’” Spiritual therianthropy isn’t completely
synonymous with therianthropy, because some therianthropes say that their therianthropy isn’t spiritual.

Someone who takes on the responsibility of helping someone get initiated into a household. Their job is to teach them the ways of that particular coven and to make sure they are prepared to be initiated properly. * Also see Adra and mentor.

A vampire who chooses not to be involved with a coven and has little if any interest in interacting within the community.. *See also Ronin or Teliob.

An OSV term for putting one's nightside to rest or taking a break from the vampire community. Usually, those who go into Somnusium try to suppress their vampiric tendencies in favor of leading a more "normal" lifestyle. However, this can lead to physical weakness or even violent outbursts in those with a strongly developed Hunger.

1. (OSV and Sanguinarium) Someone from whom a vampire will get blood or life energy. This is a neutral term; in some cases, it is more accurate than "donor", as the blood or energy is not always a freely given donation. * See also Donor.
2. (Sanguinarius) Someone from whom a vampire will get blood. This is a neutral term that I prefer to use; I feel that it's more accurate than "donor", as the blood's not always a donation.

Abbreviation of shape-stealer.

Starseed Vampires
A tradition or movement within the vampire community, which asserts the extra-terrestrial origins of the vampire race. According to the Starseeds, three individuals came to our world from elsewhere. These were immensely powerful beings known as the Originals. One of the Originals was male, one was female, and the third was hermaphroditic. It is not clear whether the Originals reproduced sexually or if they "turned" humans in order to increase the ranks of their race. It would seem from conversations with members of this order that they did both, and it is from unions between these original three as well as subsequent unions between the "turned" members of humanity, that all vampires are descended. In the Starseed philosophy, vampirism is a condition of both body and soul, and once one has been "turned", they continue a vampiric existence through subsequent incarnations. Often, these incarnations are remembered and the vampiric individual looks upon him or herself as immortal in the sense that he or she is aware of this lifetime as well as being aware of lifetimes lived far into the distant past. Starseed vampires feed mainly upon life energy, although they incorporate the drinking of a small quantity of blood into their rituals.

Supposedly a term referring to a sanguine vampire who feeds indiscriminately, but I have never seen it used or heard it spoken outside word lists. It seems to have dropped out of usage. This is just as well, as the true meaning is a witch of any kind in Russian, and would thus be insulting to Wiccans.

Strigoi Vii
1. (OSV and Sanguinarium)The Sanguinarium translates this as "living vampires" from ancient Romanian and Italian. It is used to refer to a path of vampirism., which includes the Black Veil, the Dragon, the Communion, the Twilight and the five ordeals.
2. (Sanguinarius) A term supposedly meaning "living vampires" in Romanian folklore, it is used by some to refer to the condition and philosophy of being a vampire. The movers and shakers of the Sanguinarium have appropriated the term for their use in describing their more spiritually oriented path, the Order Strigoii Vii.
3. (House Eclipse)All of the above may be true but the literal original translation is "an infanticidal witch who transforms into an owl and drinks the blood of babies and will become a vampire after they die". The word "Strigoi" comes from the term for a Striga or strig, which is either an owl or a witch who can take the shape of an owl and are malevolent, practicing dark witchcraft and curses.

A term used in the OSV system to refer to a friend, family member, donor, lover, consort or colleague who is aware of vampires, specifically the OSV with which this term is associated, but is not awakened nor has vampiric potential. There are many subcategories of this term used by OSV and it's affiliates, including Black Swans (donors and friends), Crimson Swans (sanguine donors), Crystal Swans (Psi or Pranic donors), Amber Swans (donors of both Psi energy or Prana and blood) and White Swans (those who fear or dislike vampires but still come into contact with them). Other groups have varying names for these types of people, feeling that comparing them to an animal is insulting and derogatory or simply overdramatic and silly. For example, M'kheru of a donor of any type, Eophan for White Swan and Kithani for Black Swan.

Swan Lake
A term used by members of OSV to describe a "hunting ground". Considered silly and overdramatic by many others.

The plural is succubi. A female sexual vampire. See "sexual vampirism". Historically, the term was used to describe a reason for the sexual dreams a person sometimes experiences, and were thought to be caused by a demonic spirit which took the form of a female in order to drain a person of his or her energy and lead the defenseless person into sexual sin while they slept.

Someone from whom a vampire will get blood. This is a neutral term; I feel that it's more accurate than "donor", as the blood's not always a donation.

Abbreviation for shadow shift. I have never seen this term in use.

Swoon / Rapture, The
The OSV word for the rush of ecstasy experienced by a donor during the feeding process. Often this rush is of a sexual nature, although it also has strong psychological euphoric effects. The vampire also experiences a similar psycho-sexual rush. This rush can be experienced in explicitly sexual situations but may sometimes be brought about through casual contact between the vampire and donor. In other systems, this is referred to simply as "the rush", "rapture" or "ecstasy".

Abbreviation for werewolf sympathizer. I have never seen this term in use.

Sympathetic Vampirism
A condition, which sometimes occurs in individuals who have been fed from too frequently. This most often occurs in the donors or sources of energy vampires but can manifest itself among the vessels used by sanguine vamps as well. In general, the victim’s resources become so depleted that they have to resort to vampirism themselves in order to replenish them. In addition to a need to feed, the sufferer of sympathetic vampirism may manifest symptoms commonly associated with real vampirism, such as heightened sensitivity and sensitivity to sunlight. Often, this condition has caused a number of real vampires to mistakenly assume that their donors, - or the donors themselves thinking that they, themselves, - have somehow been turned. But the condition is hardly permanent. This condition may last for a few weeks, although sometimes it can be drawn out for months or years. The best course of action is for the vampire or vampires who feed off the person to stop completely. Without the constant depletion of resources, the person’s system should gradually correct itself over time.

According to the OSV who are the ones who coined this term and the only real users of it, this term is from a German word meaning "Council of Bishops", so it's appropriateness in describing a group of vampires seems questionable to many. This is said by them to be a "Neutral" and "Unbiased" organization within the vampire community who provide resources, educational resources, networking, and has the mission of supporting those who follow the Strigoi Vii pardigram. This group is blatantly obviously neither neutral nor unbiased, which can also be witnessed by its actions, supporting only the projects of the OSV, House Sahjaza and their related or smaller Houses while ignoring worthwhile and useful projects by those outside this belief system. The Synod supposedly selects gifted OSV vampires of Calmae level and Magisters to teach their Inner Ordeals (it is not specified whether these are seperate or identical to those of OSV) through apprenticeship and classes. This group is also stated to be responsible for the ordination of the Kharrus. Most vampires outside the OSV are disgusted by the idea of a supposedly secret Order that has somehow been given the power to tell other vampires both within and without the OSV system what they should or can and should not or cannot do, and what is or is not a "viable" part of vampiric culture. Many compare them to the semi-fictional "power groups" or secret societies such as the Illuminati of fiction or the Yale Skull and Bones society. Few vamipires outside OSV pay any attention to them save to laugh at them or be disgusted.

Tabaan is a level of maturity, responsibility and rank among vampires in the Eclipsan system. The formal term is "Self Mastery" and this means that the Tabaan is not Bound to any Elder or Jaidah. The Tabaan may still bond with other Tabaan and Jaidah, but as an equal, rather than as a student or lower ranking individual. A Tabaan may create a vampiric family or Pack or Circle as it is usually called, which is something like a family, support group and occasionally a group marriage. When a Pack gets too large it often becomes a House in the Eclipsan system. A Tabaan may indeed create their own House or Order as they choose and Mentor others, though usually this is considered a job for Jaidah level vampires. Tabaan are often the most politically active members of a House, making alliances and friendships for their Pack with the aid of the other Pack members. Tabaan are often quite active in the community but are still finding their individual niche.
Tabaan are expected to set an example for Gevanma (apprentices, Bellah) and Isro (fledglings, Calmae) and never lose their cool in public. Tabaan have usually chosen or discovered their primary Road and chosen at least one Path by now, and are expected to aid Jaidah in teaching these to apprentices. This level is similar to the OSV level of Mor-Roi.

Hindu/Buddhist philosophy concerned with mysticism, magic and the power of various body postures or mudras of the hands and body or in specific cases with the power of sexual magic and sexual positions and energy. This type of Tantra is known as Tantric Sex.

A cruel "game" that non-vampires, or even other vampires, sometimes play where they tease or taunt a blood vamp with either thoughts of blood, or actual blood, which they have no intentions of giving to the vampire being teased. While it might be amusing to watch the vamp's reactions, this "game" causes misery for the poor vampire, and can result in his or her vamping out or worse, if it's not stopped.

In the Eclipsan system, this is a vampire who chooses not to ally them self with a House or Pack or Circle for whatever reason. Many Teliob are well-respected Elders or can be of any other rank they choose. In general, they completely avoid blood bonds, Mentoring and may or may not attend vampiric gatherings. Many Solosus are well respected or even revered by other vampires, as it takes great courage to stand alone. Many vampires become disgusted or disillusioned with the cattiness, corruption and abuses often found within the vampire community. These people thus choose not to ally with a specific House or group or even to seek out other vampires. They live quietly and discreetly and feed from one or two donors, and do not get involved in House Politics or any of the online soap operas. These vampires are still often wise and have much to say and teach if one can find them, and should be respected for their choices. The term is from the Enochian word meaning "Separate"

Terianami (терианами)
(Russian language only) Russian transliteration of “therianthrope,”. Abbrev. terry (терри).

(Swedish language only) Translation of “therianthropy” used in the Swedish-speaking therianthrope community.

Terry (терри)
(Russian language only) Russian transliteration of “therian,”. Abbreviation of the Russian word for therianthrope, terianami (терианами).

Teriostoronoy (териостороной)
(Russian language only) A word for “therioside” used in Russian-speaking therianthrope community.

Teriotipom (териотипом)
(Russian language only) A word for “therioside” used in Russian-speaking therianthrope community.

(therian comm.) Abbreviation of “therianthrope,”. This abbreviation is very commonly used throughout the entire therianthrope community.

1. (anthropology) In art, mythology, and legend, a supernatural entity (often a god or wizard) who has characteristics of both an animal and a human, either in combination (a human/animal being, also called an anthropomorphic animal or zoomorphic human) or transforming between the two (such as a werewolf). For example, animal-headed gods such Anubis and Ganesha, human-headed animals such as the sphinx, half-animal people such as mermaids and centaurs, and shapeshifters such as werewolves and selkies. Some anthropological literature uses this word to refer to anthropomorphic animals.
2. (therian comm.) Therianthropes are real people who identify as animals. For more information on how and why therianthropes identify as animals, see therianthropy. The therianthrope community began in the newsgroup alt.horror.werewolves (AHWW) in 1993, where they began talking about how they identify as animals. (This started with apparently no knowledge of any other groups of people who identify as other than human.) There, they took up the word “therianthrope” for themselves in 1994. They also called themselves “Weres” and “shifters,” which see. Some therianthropes don’t like the term “therianthrope” because it is a long word. Terms for specific types of therianthropes include cladotherianthrope, contherianthrope, graymuzzle, polymorph, poly-shifter, polytherian, polywere, and suntherianthrope, which see. Jargon from the therianthrope community includes Awere [sic], Howl, pack, shift, symp, therioside, theriotype, Weredar, and Werename, which see. Abbrev. therian. Syn. shifter, spiritual therianthrope, Werebeast, Were. Compare animal person, lycanthrope, werewolf. Contrast dæmian, dragon, furry, otherkin. Russian transliteration: териантропами. Portuguese translation: theriantropo.

The condition of being a therianthrope. Therianthropy is the condition of identifying as an animal. Therianthropes identify as animals. A therianthrope’s animal self is his self. His animal self isn’t an outside animal spirit guide or totem, isn’t a game of pretend or a role-playing character, and isn’t merely a favorite animal. How someone identifies as an animal is very personal: “Therianthropy is a self-identification. This means, nobody can tell you if you are a therianthrope or not. only you know if you’re a therianthrope or not.” Therianthropes acknowledge that they are physically human. As such, they identify as animals only in non physical ways. Some therianthropes believe that their therianthropy is a spirituality, saying that they had been animals in previous lives, and/or that they now have an animal spirit in a human body. Although these are spiritual beliefs, therianthropy isn’t a religion. Some therianthropes say their therianthropy isn’t spiritual, and/or believe that they are psychologically like an animal. Many therianthropes experience phenomena that they call shifting, particularly mental shifting. Syn. animality, spiritual therianthropy. Compare draconity, lycanthropy. Contrast dæmonology. 

(Portuguese language only) Portuguese translation of theriotype. 

(Portuguese language only) Portuguese for therianthrope.

Variant spelling of theriotype, which see. therioside. A therianthrope person’s animal side. Syn. wereside, animal side. Compare theriotype.

A person who believes that they are, in part (non-physically), one or more mythical animals (IE. griffon, unicorn, chimera, hippogriff, etc.) and may even go through shifts similar to Therianthropes. These individuals may feel more at home in the Therian community or find it easier to discuss their more feral experiences and shifts with Therianthropes. This term was coined to describe individuals who straddle the otherkin and therian communities.
The term seems to have been originally coined on the Therian Wilderness Forum in 2010 as theriomythos, was then translated into Spanish as los theriomitos by Otherkin Hispano, and was re-translated from the Spanish into English as theriomythics by Akhila, in 2013, and in that form is gaining more widespread acceptance in both the otherkin and therian communities.

A real therianthrope person’s animal type. The species of a real therianthrope’s animal side. The type of creature which a therianthrope identifies as. Also theriantype. In Portuguese therianthrope community, translated as theriantipo. Syn. theriantype, phenotype. Compare therioside, animal side.

Thirst, The
The craving, need, desire, urge to drink blood, experienced as an intense thirst-sensation and withdrawal-like symptoms. To say the least. This manifests not unlike an addiction, and is very difficult and annoying to have to deal with. The thirst is the primary symptom of a psychological or physical addiction to blood. Many energy vampires experience a similar phenomenon, although they sate their need through an energy exchange with a partner. (See also "the Hunger, "the Need", "Feeding".

A Vampire term for slave in the SMBD scene in the OSV. *See also Regnant or Kijira. Also a somewhat derogatory term for a vampire who is unable to function independently and formally binds them self to a more powerful or dominant vampire. This is done through blood bond, and lasts a year. A few newer vampires do this as an extended training period to assist a mentor or Elder and learn more before becoming an independent and full member of a House. However, it can cause psychological damage if allowed for too long. Occasionally used as a term for a weak or codependent vampire in the Eclipsan system.

The Thirteen Rules of Community
See "The Black Veil". A set of rules written by Michelle Belanger and Sebastian for the vampire community as a general commonsense guideline for various groups to adopt. Originally this was meant to be a loose set of recommendations, but the trend seems to be for OSV and Sanguinarium related groups to enforce this document as laws, or at least attempt to.

(Elenari, elven otherkin comm.) A race of the Elenari, according to the shared past life memories of real people who consider themselves Elenari otherkin.

To Turn
1.(OSV and Sanguinarium) To make someone into a vampire by Awakening their latent vampiric tendencies through ritual or exchange of blood. *See also Awakening, Becoming, Latent Vampire and Potential.
2. (Sanguinarius)To make someone into a vampire. This is most likely a misunderstanding or misconception of the awakening process. See also "awakening", "latent vampire".

A specific set of values, customs, philosophies, spirituality, outlooks, and beliefs. Many covens center around one specific tradition; for example, Temple of the Vampire, the Kheprian Order, the Coven of Sahjaza, House Eclipse, House Quinotaur, Haven Mercury and the Vampire Church. Each tradition typically answers the following in its own unique way: the nature and purpose of vampirism; the origin of vampires; and the goals of the vampiric community. *See also Elorath, Lillins, Nephilim, Setians and Xanastasians.

Another term for becoming a vampire. Some groups believe that ordinary people can be turned into vampires, but this is most likely a misinterpretation of the awakening process. The method for this turning varies from group to group, but generally involves a rite of blood or energy exchange between the vampire and the person to be turned. If someone appears to have been turned, he or she was most likely a latent vampire to begin with. See also "awakening", "latent vampire".

An OSV term for the process of Awakening as or otherwise becoming an active rather than a latent vampire. Used in fiction to describe the making of a "human" into a vampire.

Within the OSV structure of beliefs only, it is considered a state of vampiric enlightenment, which balances one’s dayside responsibilities with their nightside instincts.

An alternate, less blatant, and less cheesy-sounding, a term created as an alternative for the phrase "vamping out". See "vamping out".

Experiencing an acute flare-up of symptoms generally involving a change in the person's manner, breathing, pulse rate, and thought patterns accompanied by an increase in sensitivity of senses. This causes a person to seem more primal and animalistic.
The word was introduced to the community pre-1999 and is published in a comic by Sarasvati in I believe march of 1999.

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